Chapter 12: Nights are cold

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After a while, when the Duke understands that I've ended my talk, he gets up. He walks to the chimney and takes a chunk of wood, and he stokes the fire.

«You want me to show to the court that I appreciate my bride, is it right?» he asks, gazing at the flames.

«I don't have much to offer you in return, but I will make it worth the bother,» I whisper. I look at my fingers, hoping that my words aren't the last I will say in this cold palace.

When my shoulders are covered with a heavy shawl, I wince, surprised and frightened. I haven't noticed the Duke's steps until the last moment, and I couldn't move away from his tender hands.

«How did you know that I ordered the maids to keep you warm?» he whispers to my ear. His breath hits my skin, and his hair tickles my neck when he moves away. I turn to him and open my mouth to deny, to say that I had no clue. At the last second, though, I change my mind.

«It was rather evident,» I say instead. «The servants are always running around with covers and mantles, and they don't let me go out if I'm not wearing socks. I don't think that every noblewoman has maids as attentive as mines.»

«You've lived in a warmer place, so you have to be careful,» he continues.

Not just that, but I've also often complained about drafty windows and cold rooms, in Polis. Here the temperature is lower, and my position is different. I would have suffered the cold if the servants weren't so careful all the time. I'm not used to taking care of myself, I've always had my loyal servants for that.

In the end, the Duke did think of me. Even if he didn't visit my room nor send any message, he didn't forget me. He even inquired with the servants about my activities.

What other naughty things did I say this afternoon? Oh, the lady in waiting!

«There is another thing,» I voice. «I said that you're still selecting a lady in waiting for me. I don't need anyone special, as long as she doesn't talk too much. Still, I shouldn't stay without one for too long. It will taint your grace's image.»

«Wasn't I thoroughly considering the matter?» he replies with a smart grin. So, that maid hasn't forgotten to mention that part as well. I'm not allowed even to breathe without the Duke knowing about it. I clench my teeth, repressing the annoyance that rose inside me.

It's better not to show it, but I still have to try to get rid of the dozen little spies.

«Also, I feel troubled that my servants report to your grace about my every move!» I complain. «I'd like to have some privacy. I won't keep secrets from your grace, I promise. There's no need to have your spies continuously surrounding me.»

«They're not my spies,» he chuckles. «They're just servants of the palace.»

«Is that so?»

«Now that I have time, I'll take care of every matter I was forced to postpone regarding my Duchess. Is it all right?»

«Will you have time, though, Duke?» I challenge him. He didn't have time to even greet me once, in a whole week! How can I believe he'll behave differently now?

«Are you free tomorrow, Duchess?»

«I don't have any commitments. After today, I'll avoid gatherings for a while.»

«I'll introduce my aids to you, and we will look for a lady in waiting. Is there anything else I forgot?»

«I don't think so,» I whisper, and I turn towards the bed. I'd like to go sleeping, now, but I was the one that asked the Duke to stay. Will I anger him if I ask him to be quick?

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