Chapter 3: A strategy for survival

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I sigh and drop my shoulders, preparing for my husband's rage outburst.

I was so happy to be alive, up to a moment ago! Now, I have to bear a nobleman's retaliation for making him lose his title.

The Duke notices my sudden behaviour change, and he moves his black eyes on me. He observes me for a while, trying to understand what triggered my reaction.

My hands are still trembling, and clenching them isn't helping. My back is straight, and my muscles tense. I'm trying to keep the air of a royal, but I'm conscious how frightened I look.

The Duke doesn't move a single finger towards me, though.

«You can undress,» he mutters and moves to a couch. He sits down and pours himself a glass of water. He sips leisurely. As if he doesn't care to check whether I'm obeying his order.

He's not checking what I'm doing, he doesn't look interested. Yet, I shouldn't make him even angrier. Those who don't show their temper when they're irritated are the worst, right?

I should play along, at least until I figure out what to do.

I get rid of the mantle and start to untie the buttons keeping my dress still. It's my favourite one, dark with purple details. I've signed a trading deal wearing it. I thought it would be nice to die in it.

In the end, I didn't just survive, but I also passed a whole week in this single dress. I'd like to take a bath, but I don't know how the Duke would react if I started making demands.

After the last button is undone, I let the clothe slip on the ground, and I consider untying my hair. At least, it would cover my body in part. My hair is long, so it would make some difference. I resist the urge to shield my body with my arms.

I'm not wearing any underwear, I got rid of it after the third day without the chance to change it.

The Duke moves his look on me, and he widens his eyes in surprise.

Am I that weird? Why is he staring like that? I clench my fist until my nails prick my palm, causing some light pain that helps me to stay keen.

The Duke observes for a few seconds, and then he chuckles. He grabs a cloak from a chair and wraps me in it, still laughing.

«This is not what I meant,» he explains, pushing me towards the table. «Are you hungry?»

I shake my head, confused. His hand on my back doesn't seem to have any ill intent. His face didn't even twitch, showing no trace of annoyance.

It's as if he's taking care of a lost child or a wounded animal, instead of a prisoner. He hasn't even swept his gaze over my body, as if he wasn't interested.

«Am I not to the Duke's taste?» I inquire, somehow offended. I should be relieved, but his amused look is getting on my nerves.

No one has ever dared to look at me like that. No one has ever dared to laugh at me so earnestly!

«I just wanted you to be more comfortable, without that heavy mantle. I have to admit that my choice of words could have been better.»

He pours a glass of water and waits for me to drink it.

He's looking directly to me, so I don't have any other choice but take a sip. After the first drop reaches my throat, my tongue and inner cheeks tingle at the contact with the cold liquid. I remember the thirst of the fourth day of captivity when they forgot to deliver me any food, and I empty the rest in a few gulps.

I choke as if I have forgotten how to drink.

I haven't seen water for almost twenty-four hours, that is since I arrived at the capital. I didn't have any food either. I didn't complain because I thought that I would be dead soon. It would have been a waste to bring anything to me.

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