Chapter 6: First night of marriage

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My heart is beating fast, and my soul is afraid. Actually, rather than scared, I feel nervous. Who knows in what state would I be if I didn't drink all that wine?

After the Duke and I finished eating, he accompanied me to the bedroom. The Duke called the servants to take away the food and turn the chandeliers off. Then, he left with an excuse.

Now, the room is dark, except for the corner where a lantern is glowing. There is a nightgown ready for me, but I'm too tired to wear something I'm destined to take off soon.

Wait... What if the dress is ruined? I'm not sure how rude Ethirian men can be, but they wouldn't dare to tear a woman's dress, right?

This gown is beautiful, and I've worn it only once. It would be such a pity to throw it away...

After thorough consideration, I wear the nightgown and sit on the bed.

The Duke is in a third room somewhere nearby. He mentioned something about his work before disappearing from my sight.

I don't know if I'm allowed to lie down before he comes here. I've never learnt this kind of etiquette because I wasn't supposed to marry out of Polis. It was my husband that would have had to follow our customs.

The nights are cold in the Empire, at least in the part that I crossed to come to the capital. I would feel warmer under these heavy covers, yet I can't risk breaking some untold rule.

When my feet become too cold to bear it, I lift them on the mattress and rub my skin until I feel some warmth again. The slippers are soft, but they can't do anything against the stone and marble. Not even the carpets shield enough of the coldness. Only some hot flames in the chimney could help me, now, but I don't think I should walk out of here right now. And I have no clue how to light a fire. I'd have to ask a servant to do it for me, which would attract attention to the fact that my husband isn't with me.

The Duke wouldn't let his wife alone on the first night, right? I'd prefer it if he did, though. I wouldn't have to wait for him. It's more tiring than actually doing something. He could consummate the marriage and then go to work. Why make me wait like this?

I'm already confused enough, there's no need to play games.

I lean my feet on the ground again when I hear the door. I pretend not to have noticed the Duke's steps.

«What are you doing?» he asks while closing it.

I turn my head and glance at him. What have I done wrong?

«Waiting for you, your highness,» I whisper.

«It's not 'your highness',» he corrects me, and I straighten my back in response.

I bite my lips and clench my fists. I didn't want my husband to remember that he's not an Archduke after my stubborn actions this afternoon.

«Here in Ethiro, we use 'your grace' for dukes and duchesses,» he explains, understanding my reaction too well.

His voice is gentle, and he looks so calm. Not a man that just lost part of his territories. It might not be just a facade. How low are the chances that he's not angry at me? I try to calm down my breathing, but it's harder than expected.

«It's a bit different in the rest of the continent, right?» he continues, pretending not to be paying attention to my sudden fear.

He reaches out for me and touches my hair. He unties the ribbon keeping my braid together. I wince but don't step away. It would be the worst action possible, in this kind of situation.

«You shouldn't go to sleep with wet hair,» he states. «And it can't properly dry if you tie it.»

He crouches down, reaching my hands. He presses them in between his.

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