Chapter 9: Unbearable, free schedule

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The first thing that I notice when I walk into my chambers is that they're more vast than the Duke's. The waiting room has a small sofa and a few armchairs. From here, there are two doors.

One brings to the bedroom, while I have no clue what the other room is. I'll find out, sooner or later, so I just follow the maid absent-mindedly.

The furniture is first-class, even though there is too much.

The bedroom is large but full of stuff. The bed is a mahogany four-poster bed, with blue curtains filtering the light.

Two bedside tables are used to keep a carafe and some glasses, and a small closet completes the pictures a few steps from there.

On the other side of the room, there is some space left empty. I suppose it's for the dressing. A dresser full of products stands in a corner, right next to the window. It has a big mirror, and I can see powders, creams, perfumes... Anything a lady could need.

There is no wardrobe with enough capacity to contain a lady's clothes, but the maid walks towards a door at the end of the bedroom. She opens it and doesn't utter a word before coming back with some undergarments in her arms. They seem so uncomfortable just by looking at them. Before I can complain, other maids come into the room, and they surround me.

I have no choice but to let them do, as they fix the clothes with small needles and ribbons.

The dress is of pretty colour, a delicate rose. Definitely not my style, but I have no intention to change. I've passed more than half an hour like a scarecrow, and I don't want to repeat the process.

«Today's schedule is clear, your grace,» the maid that accompanied me from the start says.

«And how do you know?» I ask, curious.

She's been appointed as my maid at most a few hours ago, even though I'm almost sure that the Duke decided when he got out of the room this morning. He must have randomly picked a girl to attend to his wife.

«His grace, the Duke, told me,» she explains, in fact.

Figures. He doesn't want me to step foot out of here.

He should have at least let me have tea with the other noblewomen, or they could start to think that he's unhappy with me and hides me in his chambers not to be disgraced by my presence. It might be actually the case, but he doesn't need to show it to everyone.

«Next time that I have to stay in the chambers, I don't want to change into these clothes,» I order. I don't need to be this presentable when I'm alone. The Duke himself allowed me to wear comfortable clothes in my chambers.

The maid looks like someone that's going along with a fool when she nods. This attitude of hers is annoying, but I don't want to pick fights just yet.

«Is there a place where I can read?» I ask while moving the gowns. I'm starting to understand how to walk in this, so it's not as bad as I've initially thought.

«I don't know, your grace,» the maid whispers, opening her eyes wide, in fear.

«Mhm, then what can I do for the whole day?»

«You can walk in the garden. Also, the servants had brought everything that can be needed for embroidery or painting.»

Too bad I don't know how to embroider. Still, it can be the right time to learn. I've never had time for a hobby, so now that I'm jobless, it feels arduous to adjust.

«Please, find me something to do before I go mad,» I utter, in a voice so low that I'm not sure anyone heard me.

«His grace, the Duke told us that you're allowed in his study, in case you wanted to choose a book for your readings,» one of the younger maids starts, bowing her head respectfully.

Crazy Duke and Fallen QueenOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz