Eggs?? (ft chaos)

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This was inspired by a 'food war' I had with my bestie. She kept on spamming me egg emojis, and I spammed her cooked egg emojis. Actually, some of the stories are inspired by her crazy nature, so maybe I have to thank her for inspiring me??? :D 

Also, let me just type down a welcoming message for her before we start the story, be free to scroll.

Dear Elly the dumbass, XiaoMoJiang

If you're reading this. I have to tell you that I love eating chicken eggs as much as you love spamming me egg emojis. Chicken emojis have nothing to do with human twins that don't look alike. Why do some twins not look alike? They are called fraternal twins. Fraternal twins occur when two separate eggs are fertilized during pregnancy. Fraternal twins do not share the exact same DNA. In fact, they share only about half the same genes. This is why fraternal twins often don't look any more alike than regular brothers and sisters. If you (only Elly) don't understand anything I am saying I recommend you to take more biology lessons! 🙄😝🥴🥰

From your lov- *cough* loving *cough* best friend,










Joni: Hey hey Emilia!

Emilia: What?

Joni: How do people get babies

Emilia: What

Joni: How do people get babies

Emilia: Joni you don't know??

Charles: Well it's really simple

Charles: If a man loves a woman very much-

Emilia: Why are you explaining it that way

Richard: Yeah Charles that is so simple

Charles: Like you have a better explanation 🙄😒

Emilia: Guys you both are clearly not listening to me

Mia: Well you see Joni if a woman loves a man very much-


Sofia: Fr they both some kind of clueless married couple or something 

Mia: Married? Who?


Norman: Yall are wasting her time

Emilia: Exactly-

Norman: A girl and a boy have-

Emilia: NORMAN

Anthony: Joni. What were you learning is science

Joni: Science?


Jiwon: She's not wrong 

Alex: If the married couple kiss then they'll have a baby

Joni: Omg really? Then I must be careful with my first kiss!

Alex: Yes you must be!

Anthony: No, it's not like that 😑

Eason: Well you see, if a couple loves each other very much, a crane will bring a beautiful baby to them

Joni: Oh I see

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