Chapter 6 : moonlight

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"I KNOW! Okay okay, behold..."

You paused dramatically, staring straight at the confused green pools in front of you, a victorious smile stretching across your face...

"... Moony."

You waited, eager for the cat's reaction at this new suggestion.

When it had flashed through your brain, you knew that it was it. But now that you had said it out loud, you weren't so sure. The cat's expression was blank, getting you more worried. No meow, no hiss, no look of bewilderement...

No nothing...

Just blank...

Maybe the search wasn't over just yet...

"I just thought, your fur shines like the moon under the moonlight and I always found it so pretty but I understand if-"

You didn't have the time to finish your sentence before you were toppled over by an over excited ninja cat yeeting you on the floor. Moony nuzzled in your neck, making the loudest purr.

At loss of words you hesitantly put a hand over his back, caressing it softly and smilling to yourself.

You had finally found your little thief a name.

It was perfect.

The next day, you decided to go back to the shop you had brought your friend to when she adopted Gaeul. You couldn't keep making human food for Moony, since it was probably very unhealthy for him. And now that you had found a name, you could even make him a collar. You knew you would be devastated if you were ever to loose him, so this would enable you to find him again if he ever got lost.

After some time you finally reached the shop, excited animals pressing their faces against the shiny glass, wagging their tails and jumping around happily. You paused for a bit, smiling to yourself at their cuteness before opening the front door.

"Welcome!" the same man from so long ago pipped up from behind the counter, radiating like a sunshine just as last time.

Remembering your adored baby was waiting alone at home, you cut right to the chase, wanting to get back to him as soon as possible.

"Hello, I was wondering if you could recommend me some cat food? I would also need to engrave a collar if that's possible..."

"Of course! What color would you prefer?"

You thought for a second. You thought back to the long patch of dark fur running over his eyes, glistening in the moonlight.

"Black. Black would be perfect."


Crumbling under the weight of your purchases, you struggled to open your appartement door.

On top of the things you had bought for Moony, you had also picked up extra groceries, since a friend of yours would be coming over soon.

"Moony! I'm home!"

The cat sprinted from out of nowhere to meet you, stopping right in front of you.

His small nose scrunched up, intrigued by all the new smells.

"Look, I bought you some food!"

You put down all your bags, taking out the cat food and a small bowl. You poured the content of said food in the recipient and pushed it towards the confused feline.

He leaned over the bowl, sniffing it, before hissing loudly and shaking his head vehemently, completely outraged.

"What's wrong with it? The shopkeeper said all cats adored that brand!" you cried in disbelief, "You're just a picky eater now uh? Such a princess...." you sighed, smiling to yourself.

Moony hissed even harder at your comment, as if he wanted to say "NO! I'M A KING!"

"And a sensitive one too!" you laughed, picking up your small furball and squishing him in a hug.

The cat reluctantly let you pet him, still offended, but eventually calming down, purring under your touch instead.

"Oh, I almost forgot!" you suddenly squealed, scarring the poor feline that was already dozing off "I got you something else!"

You gently put Moony down, searching in the multiple groceries bag for what you were looking for.

"AHAAA" you screamed in victory, brandishing the prized object in the air.

You kneeled to Moony's height, showing him said object.

"Moony, here's your collar! That way, you won't get lost, and I won't-"

You stopped dead. Moony's reaction completely threw you off.

He was completely paralyzed. Frozen.

His emerald eyes didn't leave the thin piece of polyester for a second.
Fear flashed through his slanted eyes.

As if time had stopped for him and he was thrown to another dimension.

Like his heart had stopped.
He had stopped breathing.
He didn't budge, but he was trembling wildly.


"M-Moony, w-what is it?" you quickly hid the collar back in the bag so he wouldn't see it anymore.

"What's wrong? I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to scare you with this... I don't know why you reacted like that but I'm sorry... It's okay now, it's gone..." you whispered, trying to reassure him.

Though he had stopped shaking, his eyes still looked crazily around, not focusing on anything. Like he was still lost and threatened.

"It's going to be okay, don't worry..." you tried to pet him, eventually picking him up and bringing him close to your body.

Moony shivered in your arms, squinting his eyes closed.

"You're right. You don't belong me, I have no right putting a collar on you. We are simply sharing the same house!" you softly kissed the top of his head, tracing soothing patterns on his clear fur until his breathing had returned to a normal pace and he had calmed down.

"You're my lovely furry roommate."

Legit disappeared from the surface of the earth.
I'm sorry
Life's being crazy and motivation inexistant.
High school is officially over! I am freeee (just for two months tho lol after I'm committing academical suicide through prep school woohoooo)

Thanks for sticking around! I'll try to update more often!(no guarantee lmao)

Anyhow let's get darkkk yooohoooo (next chap yeet(it's already drafted in wattpad so hopefully it'll push me to write more hehe)

Sorry this is so short n crappy n so useless but now the cat has a naaaaaame

What do you think about Moony?

How did you like Festa?

Love you guys gals n non-binary pals!
Happy pride mooooonth❤️🧡💛💚💙💜

Till next tiiiime💜

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