Let the Games Begin Pt.1

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"Out of my way." Percy was shoved to the side by a tall, muscular girl. She kinda freaked him out a bit. Campers in orange t-shirts flooded the fields of the summer camp. The sunny rays of the Long Island Sound beat down on the camp, but the breeze from the water was soothing.

He went to the check-in. Apparently, his mom was sending him here for the summer. He had always wanted to go to summer camp since he was 12, and now it was finally happening when he was 16. He got his orange shirt to match everyone else. A girl walked up next to him. Her blonde curls tumbled down in a ponytail. 

"Annabeth Chase." She said to the older counselor. 

"Please I know who you are Beth. Cabin 6 and here is your counselor packet for the summer." The older girl gave her a folder. She had a punk rock look. Percy noticed how blue her eyes were. Not even blue, they were like, neon...no...electrice blue. 

"Thanks, Thalia." The blonde said and walking by Percy.

They made eye contact for a split second and Percy realized her pretty eyes, and the grey storm clouds forming within them. She was walking away as soon as the short fantasy in his mind was over. He took the camp packet and went to his cabin. He unpacked his clothes and decided he would go take a walk around. The camp was huge. He was walking past the volleyball court looking at the rock climbing wall in the distance. It was a lot to take in. He rammed into a body and stumbled backward a bit. 

"Hey! Watch where you're going!" A stern female voice said. He looked at the girl. It was the blonde form that morning.

"I- uh- sorry!" Percy managed to get out. He smiled but she just shook her head.

The girl scoffed and threw a look at him as if to say, pfft yeah you better be!

Percy panicked and ran in the opposite direction of her. There was just something about her that he found intriguing. Something that he wasn't quite sure about. Sure he was kinda weird around girls but not that weird. Like his friend Rachel back at school. He was normal around her, well as normal as he could be because normal is a myth. Percy went over to the rock climbing wall. It was pretty high. There were two people at the bottom spotting the kids to make sure they would be okay. Percy walked up to one of him. He had curly brown hair and a bright smile. 

"Hey! I'm Grover!" The guy said. Percy shook his hand. When Grover went to shake his hand he accidentally let go of the rope that was holding the camper. The camper, probably around 11 started falling from the tall height. Other campers in line screamed and Percy dove to catch the kid. Another one of the counselors was able to grab ahold of the rope Grover had. As soon as Percy caught the kid the rope was also caught, lessening the impact. The young camper was on the verge of tears. Percy wouldn't blame them, they could've been seriously injured. 

The camper was set down and thanked Percy and the other boy who helped Grover with the rope. He was tall, blonde, with a scar on his face, maybe a few years older than Percy. More people started to run over to see the commotion. The blonde girl, Annabeth, came over to the young camper. 

"Are you okay Devin?" She asked. The camper nodded, they were still a little stunned from the fall. 

"Hey, Annabeth!" The blonde guy wrapped an arm around her. She blushed.

"Hi, Luke..." She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and Percy had to wonder if they were dating. 

Grover stood sheepishly. Percy went over to tell him it was all okay. The girl patted Grover on the back.

"Don't worry, it was an accident." She said.

"But they could've died." Grover frowned and didn't look anyone in the eyes.

"But, they didn't. Thanks to Luke." She smiled at the blonde boy next to Percy.

Percy raised an eyebrow and made a face. He was the one who actually caught the kid!

"I helped too!" He chimed in. 

Hey, the guy deserved some credit here. 

"Yeah...okay..." She looked him up and down and continue to be practically drooling over Luke.


Over camp, Percy seemed to notice how the girl, Annabeth, always gave him these looks. He became good friends with Grover and they hung out every day at camp.

"Okay so basically what happens starting today is the Half-Blood Games. The camp is split into 4 teams and we all play a bunch of games." Grover explained the games to Percy. 

4 counselors were drawing randomly to be team captains and the rest of the camp would be divided based on how they performed at activities for the last week. Percy hoped he got to be team captain. Usually, cause in school if you were team captains there was no way you'd be getting picked last. The games consisted of capture the flag, horseback racing, archery, and an easy daily trivia game to win extra points. The two teams who are in 1st and 2nd go head to head in capture the flag with the other two teams joining to back either one of them up. According to Grover, the games got intense. He said Annabeth has been dying to win but now that she is a counselor she finally has a chance to lead a team. 

Chiron, their camp director, called all counselors to the Big House to have the names drawn. 

"Leading our first team is Clarisse!" Chiron announced after drawing the name from the hat. Clarisse let out a loud YEAHHHHHH. Everyone clapped for her. There was no way she was gonna go down without a fight, literally. 

"The second leader is Luke!" Luke nodded his head with a smirk forming on his face. 

"The third leader is Will!" The counselor from cabin 7 smiled. 

"Lastly," Chiron said pulling the last and final paper, "Annabeth." 

Percy looked over to her. She was smiling and everyone was congratulating her. This might have just been the first time he's seen her like this.  Annabeth had this look in her eye, it was like she already had a game plan in 20 seconds. 

"Any special request for counselors for teammates?" Chiron asked. 

Annabeth tapped her chin. 

"I'll take Percy." She crossed her arms and looked at him. He was stunned. Why would she ever pick him?

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