You and Me

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In between Last Olympian and Lost Hero! Some nice trio content for ya

Annabeth duck and rolled under the swing of Percy's sword. She rolled behind him and tapped his shoulder. Percy turned around in a flash and swung his sword but she leaned back to dodge the hit. She rolled to the ground again but as soon as Percy swung at the ground she jumped. She landed on top of the sword so he couldn't swing or move it. 

"Heyyyyyy! That's not fair!" 

Percy let go of Riptide. Annabeth kicked it up and caught it by the hilt.

"All is fair in love and war." Annabeth shrugged. She gave Percy back his sword and he put the cap back on it. It instantly turned back into a pen. After their little fight, he wrapped an arm around her. She leaned into him and they walked from the arena to the dining pavilion for dinner. Every couple of minutes he would plant a small and tender kiss on her head. 

It wasn't that far of a walk, it was a distance but nothing compared to the amount of stamina they had. Purposely, the pair walked slowly. Ever since they started dating they would enjoy their time alone to the fullest. Percy glanced down at her and smiled. They paused for a second and Annabeth was gonna kiss him when Clarisse came running towards them.

"C'MON! YOU GUYS ARE TAKING FOREVER! Sometimes I regret throwing you guys into the lake." She ran back to the dining pavilion, probably to go tell everyone that Percy and Annabeth weren't there because they were "making out", even though they weren't.

Annabeth kissed him on the cheek and they both looked at each other. She looked at Percy who nodded in agreement. 

"Three....two...ONE!" She yelled and started running. She got a head start but Percy was gaining up speed. As they got closer to the dining pavilion near the big opening to the tables Percy tackled her to the ground, unaware of the fact everyone could see them. 

They were laughing hysterically and they both got up.

"You're  late..." Chiron said looking down at the teenagers who were still trying to recover. 

"Sorry..." They both said at the same time. They glanced at each other and started to laugh again. 

Everyone was watching them amongst a couple of hushed voices. Chiron slightly shook his head. 

"You two are not doing cabin inspection together tomorrow. Now go and eat." Chrion sent them off to their separate tables. 

Percy was by himself perusual. He would look to the Athena table and Annabeth would always shake her head when she caught him staring. Grover sat next to Percy at his table since satyrs could basically sit wherever. Grover waved his hands in front of Percy's face. He was shaken and brought back to reality. They had only been dating for a couple of weeks but something had made it seem like they had been dating for years. It was probably because they had been on so many quests and been through so much together. 


That next morning while Annabeth was doing cabin inspection Percy was purposely waiting for her. 

"My cabin is totally a 5, check it." He smirked. He shot finger guns at her and Annabeht rolled her eyes. She lightly shoved him out of the doorway to look out at his cabin. 

"Woahhh! Fine 4 out of 5." She nodded to a camp shirt on the ground. Annabeth picked up an tossed it over to him. She was about to leave to go inspect the next cabin when Percy pulled her wrist. 

He pulled her in and kissed her. She smiled at him.

"Okay Percy, I should really get going now. I still have other cabins to check. I'll meet you at the lake though. I'm done with training early today so let's say... 3?"

"Sounds...sounds good! How do people say something sounds good? Well I guess I see why that works..."

Annabeth rolled her eyes. 

"Hero on the outside, Seaweed Brain at heart." She patted his head of messy dark hair. She quickly pecked his cheek and left to go check other cabins. 

Percy stared as she walked away. He felt stupid for not admitting how much he liked her before hand. Deep into his own thoughts he heard someone from behind him. 

"You know having an empathy link with you is not fun sometimes. I totally knew how you felt about her all this time." Grover popped out of nowhere and almost scared Percy to death, which would not have been fun. 

"GODS GROVER! Don't scare me like that dude." He laughed.

"Just saying. I bet she would be totally interested in knowing all the things you thought about her." Grover joked. He looked at Percy before running after Annabeth and yelling her name. Percy panicked and then ran after him, but alas the goat legs were no match for him. 

Annabeth turned behind her to see Percy trying to put a hand over Grover's mouth while Grover was laughing his face off. 

"You are both total idiots." Annabeth said as she looked at them, "it's still a mystery to me on how I fell in love with you, and became friends with you." She looked at Percy then Grover. 

"IT'S BECAUSE WE'RE AWESOME!" Percy said with enough enthusiasm to kill a monster. 

Percy and Annabeth met eyes and held each other's glance. Grover looked at both of them and then stepped in the middle. 

"Hey Annabeth! There was this one time where-" Grover was cut off by Percy who shoved him in the arm. 

"DON'T YOU DARE!" Percy protested. 

Annabeth rolled her eyes. She kissed Percy before leaving to finish cabin inspection. Grover was still laughing and Percy scrunched his face in annoyance at him, but it all just turned to laughs in the end.

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