Diego: you're okay

Klaus ran up to Alex and hugged him.

Alex: I'm not that easy to get rid of, But you're making a huge mistake.

Luther: what do you know, we don't have much time.

Alex: Luther I was once like Vanya... mad, scared, and overwhelmed by power. I understand what she's going through Luther... it's like what my terrible brother use to "one evil to another."

Luther: look my plan will work, this isn't much of your concern. We don't have time.

Diego: doesn't concern him, after all, he's done? Luther, he did so much more help than you did, he's our brother in law so what concerns me, concerns him.

Alex smiled at Diego before looking at Luther.

Alex: do what you must but if your plan doesn't work then I'll use mine

As the four boys walked up the stairs. Klaus starts to talk.

Klaus: so what's the plan.

Luther: you and Alex will stay at the front.

Klaus: what?!

Luther: you two will be our lookout.

Klaus: the lookout.

As Luther and Diego walked away, Alex he walked in front of a painting that was near the entrance. He lifted his hand, placing it on top of the paint. As the painting started to glow, Alex opens it like a door. Behind the painting was a portal of Alex's memories and belongings. Alex reached out and took out a black triangle case bag.

Alex: it's been a while but I hope it works.

As Vanya was playing, Luther and Diego tried to use the element of surprise but failed. Diego and Luther were thrown away by Vanya's powers. As everyone in the building started to run away. Allison threw a bag at Luther, being upset that Luther didn't listen to her.

Luther: we're fine, thanks for asking.

Allison made angry motions

Luther: what was supposed to do, I lost you once, I'm not gonna lose you again.

Allison was making a violin gesture trying to give the boys a hint to stopping Vanya.

Diego: no sit Sherlock what about it.

Luther: that's it, the violin is like a lightning rod, if we can take it away from her, we could stop this.

Before they could do anything a group of armed men started to shooting anything.

Diego: where's Klaus and Alex, I thought they were our lookout?

Luther: they were supposed to.

Five blinks, casually walking

Five: what's all of this lollygagging

Luther: five get down.

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