chapter 1

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In October 1989. 43 women gave birth at the same time. None of them were pregnant when the day began. A man adopted 7 children who had incredible power. Whicare known as the umbrella academy.


August 24th, 2019

It was raining and on this fateful day. The man himself Reginald Hargreeves passed away. Because of the news of his death, all of the siblings decided to come back to the umbrella academy to reunite, even if they didn't care about their father's death.

Number 7 known as Vanya Hargreeves walks in very cautiously because of a certain book she wrote about the family's secret. When she walks in, she meets her sister number 3, Allison.

Allison; hey Vanya, it's been a while.

Vanya: Um-yeah it has.

Allison; so how have you been sis?

Vanya, um it's been good I guess. How are you?

Allison; that's good, I thought you weren't going to make it. I have been okay I guess. But you know, how my husband and I are.

Allison: I'm glad you're glad here.

Before Vanya could talk, she was cut off by her brother. Number 2, Diego Hargreeves.

Diego: At least someone is.

Allison; Eat shit, Diego

Diego; Really? You're gonna take her side?After what she did?

Vanya; yeah, he's right... I should go

Allison; just ignore him, you belong here.

As everyone walked around the house, remembering their childhood past. Luther (number 1) decided that he should start a family meeting with his siblings about a missing monocle and the funeral of their father.

Luther; okay, the first order of business... I think we should hold a memorial service at dad's favorite spot.

Allison; Dad had a favorite spot?

Luther; yeah, under the oak tree. Have you guys not been at his favorite spot?

Klaus; will there be refreshments? Tea? scones? Cucumber sandwiches are always a winner.

Luther; hey put that thing out, dad didn't like that if you smoke in here.

Allison; is that my skirt?

Klaus; oh this thing, yeah. It's very comforting around the bits.

Luther; hey guys focus, anyways another order of business we need to talk about is how the way dad died.

Everyone gets confused

Diego; Here we go.

Vanya; what do you mean, they said he died from a heart attack.

Luther; well theoretically.

Allison; theoretically?

Luther; yeah, I think dad wasn't alone when he died. The last time I called dad, he sounded very strange and told me that I should be careful with who I trust.

Diego; He was a very paranoid old man Luther.

Luther ignores Diego and then looks at Klaus.

Luther; look, Klaus, I know how much you hate doing this but I need you to talk to dad.

Klaus; what? Look I can't do so, I mean I'm not in the right mindset.

Allison; you're high?

Klaus; yes, that is right and what will that do, I can't just ask dad to... stop playing tennis with Hitler.

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