chapter 5

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Five pulls out the bullet from Alex's shoulder. Then he started to fix Alex's wounds.

Five; you know... that was hot... you know, what you did back there at the store.

Alex laughs a little before talking again.

Alex; as I said, I had to protect my friend and lover.

Alex and five slowly moved closer to give a soft, peck on the lips before continuing to stitch his wound.

Alex; so what's next on the agenda.

Five; well we're going to do a lookout. I don't believe that Lance was telling the truth.

Alex; okay that's fine.

Five was done, he still wanted to talk about the things he wants to do with Alex that are more intimate.

Five; hey... Alex.

Alex; yes sweetie.

Five; do you... um you know have a feeling about something...

Alex; like what?

Five; well about making... um just forget it.

Alex; no no, I think I know what your asking... about me making love to you.

Five blushes knowing that he sounds stupid but he couldn't help but be curious about what his husband was feeling.

Alex; I do, once in a while but I'm more worried about the apocalypse.

Five felt guilty that he wasn't pleasing his husband just because of saving his family.

Five; Alex, I'm sorry that I can't please you.

Alex looks at five before getting up and went to hug five.

Alex; five, I don't care if we do have sex. I rather do it once we're done with the apocalypse. I mean yes I do want to be more intimate with you, but saving your family is more important than what I want. I didn't marry you for that.

Five tears up because of what Alex was said. Alex notices and wipes fives tears.

Alex; I married you because you were the only and I mean the only person who wasn't afraid of me or even scared of me. I was living in a literal hell, alone and there was no one to love... I thought that I lost my love forever before I meet you. And I'm glad I did. So don't be sorry for anything. Okay?

Five wipes away his tears before kissing Alex on the lips.

Five, okay, and I am glad that my guardian angel was you. I love you, Alex.

Alex; I love you too, now let's rest for tomorrow. And let's hope we can stop this thing from coming.

The two went to bed (happily sleeping), knowing that they were together no matter what came towards them. As the next morning came the two boys got ready to start their stakeout.

Alex; hey babe, you ready to go?

Five; yeah, just need a minute.

Alex went out the window of five's bedroom. climbing down the later. Below him, there, stands Klaus in the dumpster.

Alex; um hey Klaus... what are you doing in the dumpster? I mean I know drugs are taking your ass to hell but in the dumpster is a very sad and pathetic way to be seen. And ben here is well being a good boy and done with your shit.

Klaus jumps and then looks at Alex.

Klaus; oh, it's just you. And I don't know what you're talking about.

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