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"Tahani Al-Jamil, you are dead." Micheal's voice echoed in the back of Tahani's brain.
She glanced up and uncrossed her legs and blinked in surprise.
"Goodness...that's a lot to take in, uhm." she fiddled with her thumbs in her seat, wiggling uncomfortably.
"I understand. But, you have nothing to worry about. You have made it into the Good Place." Micheal said with a smile.
"Oh! Is that right? Well, lucky day I suppose. I'm still a little weary...uh...what did I do, exactly? To...die?" she asked.
"Very sorry, Tahani. Your death was extremely gruesome and traumatic. It's best if you don't remember or it could ruin your experience here." Micheal replied.
"Uh, hm. Okay, then. Not comforting." she chuckled nervously and fixed the straps on her dress
"Hang on, am I wearing a Valentino brand
scalloped twill gown? From my first afternoon outing with the lovely Helena Bonham Carter? Oh, she was such a sweet woman, I adored her. We sailed in a gondola through Sicily and drank Chateau Margaux red wine. Afterward we met up with Rosie Huntington-Whiteley and painted lovely cherry trees in a meadow. What fun that was. A fond memory for sure!"
Micheal stared back at her, trying not to roll his eyes. This was the best 300th time of her bragging about her luxury and life of high status. He was lying right to her face and she was oblivious. She thought she belonged there despite her points.
But, Micheal remembered the reason he was there. To prove to the Judge that he could build a neighborhood that wasn't the classic torture. He needed to keep going.
"Yes, we decided that would be most welcoming for you once you crossed over." Micheal replied.
"Thank you. I'm glad you know how to warm me up." Tahani said with a sigh.
"Now, before we move on to getting you settled, I wanted to talk about something in your file. Nothing super serious, just something about...a fabricated kidnapping? What's that about?"
Tahani felt her mouth turn dry and she shifted over to the right side of her chair, craning her neck to try and get a closer look at the file.
Everything was in symbols she couldn't make out. She exhaled deeply and slouched slightly in defeat. She had to confess to her biggest regret.
"Oh, dear. Yes, when I turned 24, I paid people to capture me and hold me hostage for a few days. But, it was for a good cause. All the ransom money was given to charities." she looked down at the floor, "And, well, I was frustrated at my parents. They had once again forgotten my birthday because of my sister Kamilah. They were so obsessed with her getting an Academy Award six months early for directing one of the top selling movies in the world, they completely ignored me. So, well, this was to get their attention. And it did, in a way." she explained.
"Tahani...that isn't how you should do that. You lost a decent amount of points that week. But, by single handedly solving famine in a Ecuadorian village a few days after they went back up. You lived an impressive life, Tahani. You shouldn't let your parents or sister ruin that for you." Micheal assured.
"Well, I tried my best. It's hard to feel like you're doing any good when your own parents tell you it's not to their standards. They raised me to need their opinions of me for validation." she sighed.
"Well, none of that mattered, you're here now. This is all the validation you need." Micheal said, "You did well, Tahani."
She smiled and stood up, "Thank you, that was comforting."
As she walked out, Micheal quickly peeked around the door as she walked out.
He waved his hand and a hologram of Shawn appeared before him.
"Hello, boss. How's it going?" he asked.
"Dreadful. Absolutely heinous. I'm enjoying it. What's the plan this week?" he asked.
Micheal coughed a little, nervous, "Oh, well, I just reassured Tahani that she belongs here. Had a long conversation about how 'well she did', and about how 'her parent's opinions don't validate her'. What a dunce." he chuckled.
"Why were you speaking with her directly?" Shawn asked.
Micheal thought for a moment and snapped when he thought of an excuse, "She was nervous that a party she was holding wasn't going to be up to par. I have plenty of ways to sabotage it and make her miserable. Just buttering her up, is all. Thank you for checking in, but I really should be going, now." Before he could hang up, Shawn put up a hand.
"Remember, one more screw up and it's all over. I'm considering placing surveillance in the neighborhood. If I hear any complaints, from any demon, I'm doing it. I'm watching." Shawn warned, and the screen disappeared.
Micheal swallowed, his throat dry.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2021 ⏰

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