Congratulations, Beautiful

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Eleanor's eyelashes peeled apart to the same warm daylight that greeted her each time her eyes opened. She inhaled a bit and tried to assess where she was. Her memories of the past; gone. Anything she had done or learned in the afterlife was wiped clean from her brain just as before.
The same green letters sprawled out on the wall.
Welcome! Everything is fine.
She tapped her foot anxiously. 'What is this? Therapy session? Intervention? God, it better not be.'
The door flew open to the familiar voice of Michael.
"Come in, Eleanor."
The voice or face of Michael was not familiar to her, however.
Michael's  forced grin faltered once Eleanor walked past, as he nervously rubbed his face and rushed to sit down at his desk.
"Let us get to the point, okay? Eleanor Shellstrop, you are dead." he revealed, trying not to sound bored.
"D-Dead? Oh...that's crazy, and not what I was expecting. I don't even remember what I did to die." Eleanor chuckled nervously.
"Well, if you really would like to were crushed by a truck promoting pills for erectile dysfunction, "Engorgulate". I would say that's quite embarrassing so we usually erase your memory to help the transition from life to death." Micheal described.
"Well...that's cool, I guess." Eleanor responded in a dumbfounded tone. "Sounds like a Shellstrop way to die,, am I...?" she paused.
"Are you...what?" Micheal asked, irritation in his voice.
"You know...upstairs, or downstairs." she said in a hushed voice.
"Oh, that. Well, you see, it's not the classic heaven or hell you were taught in life. There's two places where humans end up. The Good Place, and the Bad Place. You're in the Good Place, Eleanor. Congratulations." Michael explained, ending with a light smile.
Eleanor sighed with relief, "Well, that's good to hear."

The same routine Michael had repeated dozens of times before included an introductory speech, a tour he had rerouted multiple times, and a script that was so dry and overspoken he barely had to think.
Once they arrived at the small, colorful house, Michael watched as Eleanor re-adjusted to the house she had been inside too many times before.
"And, another thing about the Good Place, Eleanor. You have a soulmate." he said.
The front door opened almost on queue to reveal Tahani, who acted as perfect as she always did. Her memory was wiped clean as well, after all.
"This is Tahani Al-Jamil, your gorgeous soulmate. She was a great success while she was alive, and I hope to see to it that you both can get along well." Michael introduced.
Eleanor stared back, entranced, "Wait...aren't you-"
Tahani immediately became defensive, and scoffed, "Don't even mention that name here."
Eleanor closed her mouth and scowled. "What?" she responded with confusion.
"My sister, for goodness sake! Kamilah Al-Jamil! Even in Heaven I can't escape her overshadow!" she groaned in frustration.
"Jeez, I was just gonna say you look like the girl from a magazine I see at gas stations all the time..." Eleanor finished sheepishly.
Tahani relaxed, "Oh...thank goodness...well then yes. I am!"
Eleanor gave her a pat on the back, "Man, you are a skyscraper."
Tahani rolled her eyes and sighed.
"Well, you two are gonna get along just fine!" Michael forced out of his mouth. It was hard to say for him, since he was lying to himself and to basically everyone else around him, but there were already too many failed attempts, so he had to keep choking down the painful remarks.

Once he had left, Tahani and Eleanor were left alone.
"So, I guess I'm a lesbian now! Suck on that, Katherine!" Eleanor announced with triumphance.
"Katherine?" said Tahani.
"Not important. Anyway, what caused us to be paired up, I mean, I'm not mad about it, but why?" asked Eleanor.
"My guess is as good as yours. I have a few problems with the setup as well." Tahani tilted her head at the clown paintings, "None of this fits my visions of decorum."
Eleanor snorted, "I mean, it's not that bad..." Eleanor didn't necessarily adore the house either, but something about it felt familiar. Comfortable, even.
Tahani frowned and ignored her, staring at the floor.
"This is just completely unacceptable." she muttered. "I cannot deal with these horrid eyesores called interior decoration! I will just have to change it myself!" She stared pulling potted plants off the center table and grabbed an abstract painting from the wall, putting them down.
"Hey! What the fork do you think you're doing?" Eleanor scolded. "And why can't I say fork?" she added in a quieter tone.
"I cannot live with these conditions, I haven't even seen my bedroom yet. It has to be better than yours, with the creepy clown door." Tahani replied.
"Well, that doesn't mean you can trash my side of the house!" Eleanor said.
"Why not? You need my fruitful guidance to a better state of mind." Tahani said with a smile.
"You're acting like a bench. You're in heaven, Al-Jamil. Get over yourself." said Eleanor.
Tahani spun around and leaned in towards Eleanor, "We are NOT soulmates. This was an utter mistake. I am going directly to Michael to get this fixed. Janet!"
Janet appeared from the air and nodded with no words.
"Take me to Michael and help me get new housing arrangements." she scowled.
"Sorry, that isn't possible." replied Janet through a smile.
Tahani blinked in surprise, "But it has to be! It has to be possible! I don't want to be stuck with her for all eternity!" she groaned and slumped into the couch.
"I actually like the looks of this arrangement." Janet stated, "I want to see what happens."
Tahani glared at her with danger. "If you can't help me, I'm going to find Michael myself."
Eleanor stood up and walked to Janet, "Maybe we can't get new soulmates...but maybe there's something we can do to help us get along a little better?"
Janet thought for a moment, "I have just the thing. Follow me."

Eleanor followed Janet through the town square to a table with an umbrella looming over a frazzled Chidi.
Janet tapped on his shoulder, and he jumped and grabbed his chest in response.
"What?!" he snapped, turning to see Eleanor standing here awkwardly.

The Good Place; Eleanor and Tahani Reboot Where stories live. Discover now