"She's not here today." Val replied, "Family stuff."

"Ah." Ranboo nodded in understanding, "Are you ready to present your project today for chemistry?"

"Project?" Val questioned alarmingly, "What project?"

Ranboo's eyes widened at her. "Don't tell me you didn't do it..."

"Oh shit!" Val shouted, running a hand through her hair, "The one on the five fundamental subdisciplines?"

"Yeah." Ranboo nodded, physically cringing at her dismay.

"I completely forgot." She groaned, "I should start paying more attention in class."

"Yeah, that might be a good idea." Ranboo mumbled, "I really don't want to present mine."

"Why?" Val asked, cocking her head at him.

He shrugged, "It isn't the best and also I just hate presenting. Standing in front of a group of people and talking is just not my thing."

The two of them stood up from the lunch table as the bell rang, dismissing them to their next class.

"I'll see you in chem when you have to present a project that you haven't started." Ranboo teased as they walked out of the cafeteria.

"Piss off." Val playfully threatened as Ranboo walked in the other direction.

She sighed as she continued to her next class. At least it was ceramics so she could calm down before figuring out what the fuck to do.


As Ranboo walked into his final class of the day, which just so happened to be chemistry, he noticed that Val was missing from her seat.

He thought that she could just be running late but 10 minutes passed by and she was nowhere in sight.

Ranboo thought he should text her and maybe ask where she was. But he didn't see a point. She was her own person with her own life. She can handle herself.

- Meanwhile -

"Mrs. Lopez, you don't even understand!" Val exclaimed, kicking her feet up onto the desk, "That class is so boring. It's like a living hell trying to pay attention."

"That isn't an excuse." Mrs. Lopez chuckled, "You should've been more responsible."

Val ended up coming to the conclusion that skipping class was the best bet. She would go home and work on the project then have it ready to present by Monday. No big deal.

Her favorite teacher, Mrs. Lopez, had a planning period. Meaning that she didn't have a class. So Val decided to kick it in there.

"I am responsible!" She argued, "That class is just a snooze fest."

Mrs. Lopez scoffed and shook her head at the girl. "You need to get your priorities straight." She said, looking over at her computer, "You also need to get to class. I'm not taking the blame if you get caught skipping."

"But I won't get caught!" Val whined, "I can't go. I don't have a project to present."

"And who's fault is that?" Mrs. Lopez teased, "Go."

She motioned towards the door and Val gave her a desperate look before leaving the classroom.

She sighed as she walked down the hallway, dreading entering chemistry.

But that's when she got a brilliant idea.

Ranboo... you said you didn't want to present your project? Hm. So be it.

Val opened the door to the classroom and instantly locked eyes with Ranboo. He gave her a confused look on why she was walking in almost 20 minutes late. But she quickly looked away. Ranboo knew she was up to something.

Val walked confidently up to the teacher and started talking to him.

Ranboo watched the conversation from afar but could barely hear what they were saying. He figured he'd just ask her later.

But he'd probably ask her sooner than later as she began walking over to his desk.

"Pack your shit." She whispered to him, "You're coming with me."

Ranboo glared at her, making a mischievous smile form on her lips.

"God, what did you do." He sighed, throwing his bag over his shoulder and walking out of the classroom with her.

"Success." Val exclaimed as they walked down the hallway.

"What did you tell him?"

"I told him that I was working on a project for student council and that I needed you to help me."

"Val, neither of us are in student council." Ranboo shook his head.

"Exactly." Val nodded proudly.

Val grabbed Ranboo by the wrist and began running through the halls with him.

"I don't do good with running!" He shouted, trailing a little bit behind her.

"Now you do!" Val yelled back, slowing as they approached the front door of the school. Val led him out of the building and down the sidewalk.

"You've definitely done this before." He said.

"Multiple times." Val beamed.

"And how many times have you gotten caught?"


Dear Diary,

i just realized that i'm only one person away from the entire dream smp... but i'm not using ranboo for the dsmp members. he's a good guy. i can see us being close friends.

Dear Diary || Ranboo X OCTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang