It's cute, with floppy ears and thick, plush fur. It's also scary. Red eyes, sharp teeth, huge paws. It's practically two of me.

       Eventually it's growling ends rather abruptly. It's tail begins wagging and it bends it's head, nuzzling my hand with it's long snout.

     I begin petting it, and it's purr is back again. It sounds like a huge cat. It rubs it's massive head against my open palm.

      "Good boy. Who's a good boy?" The truth is I don't know if it's a boy or a girl. I sneak a peak on the underside of its body to see a definite sign of male-hood between his legs.

      Definitely a boy then.

      The dog turns, rubbing the side of his body on me as I continue scratching his coat all the way down his back. He's clearly enjoying the affection. I'm glad that he likes me, it would be pretty scary if he hated me. He could easily kill me if he wanted to.

      "You're just a big ole sweet heart, aren't you?" I try to refrain from the baby talk, but I can't help it. This giant dog is so sweet, despite his appearance. His fur is soft, and he smells like the woods. He doesn't have a speck of dirt on him either. I like his ruggedness.

       It just reminds me of his owner.

      As if summoned by my thoughts, the front door swings open, making me jump, and Barre steps out into the drizzly morning, feet stomping.

     The Rytarian has a disapproving look on his face as he watches me with his pet. I notice that Barre glances at my shoeless feet and growls low in his throat, shaking his head. I roll my eyes at him.

      "Dupeshma Relinkas." He mutters, stepping forward to my side. I shrug. The language barrier is frustrating sometimes, but it doesn't make communication completely impossible.

     "How come you leave this sweet guy out here all the time?" I wonder out loud, patting the dog on the back as his tail continues to wag happily. "It doesn't seem fair."

     Barre grunts.

     "Salsh." He calls, and the dog's ears perk up. He runs over to Barre, sitting at his feet, ears raised and eyes wide with attention. I'm guessing that's his name.

     "Salsh." I replicate the word, and Barre stares at me with surprise in his eyes as the dog runs back to me. Before I know it, I'm being assaulted with slobbery dog kisses all over my face.

     I laugh, pushing at his chest as the licks keep coming, he's too strong for me to push away. I hear a deep chuckle that sends a tingle down my spine. Even Barre's laugh is sexy. I haven't heard him do that. I could get used to that.

     Salsh is pulled backwards by his collar, and I see Barre effortlessly holding his pet back. He shakes his head, watching his dog. I take the opportunity to admire his arm muscles as he holds Salsh's collar with one hand. The veins make me want to drool a little bit.

     "Ashba dars relinkas yatushla." He admonishes, and the dog cocks his head to the side, as if even he understands what Barre says.

     He claps him on the head, releasing his hold, and the animal runs off the deck and into the yard. I watch him disappear around the house with a bit of sadness. I nervously glance back at Barre, feeling somewhat guilty for coming outside without him knowing or without permission.

     He gets closer to me, and I scoot back, wondering what he'll do next. Barre isn't looking at me. Instead, he's looking to where his dog ran.

     Heavy hands land on my shoulders, and his thumb gently caresses the place between my neck and shoulder, his palm traveling upward. I shiver, a brief shot of desire shooting down my spine. I'm not used to that feeling. As much as I check him out, I rarely feel horny.

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