00: To Dance Upon Lifeless Bodies ‧˚⊹♪

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"Is this warmth? Is this peace?"

Impatient, you waited within a peaceful mix of snow flurries and sunshine. You waited for your best friend to return home from Decarabian's treacherous battlefield. Jittery and excited, you waited at the very edge of your seat, since the protection camp had become lonely without him. All you wanted to do was wrap him in a crushing hug and praise him for everything he had done in honor of Mondstadt.

You were so proud to call him your best friend.

Or maybe you just thought 'hero by association' had a nice ring to it.

Whatever it may be, you couldn't deny that it was by his lead Mondstadt was now a free land. After all, the boy you were close enough to call your brother was none other than the renowned individual who formed the Nameless Bard's Rebellion— the rebellion that had miraculously resulted victorious over two all-powerful gods.

If you had to be honest, you thought very little of his movement at first-- and that was similar to most of Old Mondstadt at the time. At first glance, it appeared to be nothing more than the naivety of a teenaged bard boy who suffered from a delusional fantasy where he could save his entire nation from two merciless gods.

If even Decarabian and Andrius themselves couldn't defeat each other in the end, how in Teyvat's name was a young human boy supposed take them down? Not only that, but both of them at the same time?!

It was nothing short of stupidity. Human stupidity.

But somehow, regardless of the overwhelming odds, you were completely wrong about him-- all of Mondstadt was wrong, for the Nameless Bard's Rebellion had won!

He had won. You weren't exactly sure how it was possible, but you couldn't deny the facts that your best friend had claimed victory over two celestial beings. Guilt nauseated your stomach by the mere fact you doubted him for even a second, so you vowed to make it up to him as soon as he was back within your grasp. You vowed to yourself you'd hug him so tight that...

He wouldn't be able to breathe.

After that, you'd collapse onto his shoulder and cry, relieved that he was safe and alive. You'd soak his dirty, blood-stained shirt with your tears and praise him for being so unbelievably brave. You'd tell him time and time again how amazingly he'd done in the war, and then you'd thank him time and time again for freeing all of Old Mondstadt's people-- for freeing you.

Most importantly though, you'd thank him for coming back.

"You've done a good job."

You practiced saying it aloud to assure you wouldn't slip up when the time came.

"You've done a good job." You smiled, voice shaky with anticipation.

After reciting those words to yourself for what felt like far too long of a time, your patience had worn thin. Fortunately for you, the nation was now at rest, which meant you could finally wander outside the campsite on your own, without worrying about any incoming meteors or dangers like that.

With a deep inhale, you sucked in air now not freezing enough to burn your lungs, like it always had been. It was such a blessing to finally be able to do something as basic as breathing without intense pain, for during the arctic storms of Decarabian and Andrius, the coldness of the wind was so fierce that every breath numbed your insides.

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