chapter fifteen.

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"Hey George, what're you up too right now?" Dream asked as the car revved in the back, he shot a look to Sapnap who was obviously doing it on purpose to disrupt his call. 

"I was just gonna lay down and watch a movie, whats up with you?"

"Me and Sapnap were gonna head to this new bar down town--I wanted to see if you wanted to join? We haven't been out in a bit, all three of us." He had his hopes up George would say yes, they could all have a few drinks and maybe go home to chill out as a trio even more.

"I don't know, I'm kinda tired. Do you wanna come over after you guys wrap up there? I miss you."

Sapnap fake gagged, "Ew, thats gross."

"Am I on speaker?"

"Yeah, anyways," Dream said, changing the topic, "That sounds good, I'll probably be there around 10:30, I don't plan on staying too long."

"Alright just both of you be responsible, and safe please. Get an uber or something back." 

"Of course, I'll make Sapnap give me his keys when we get there since hes not even supposed to be drinking."

George laughed at the other end, "Alright Dream, call me when you're on your way, okay?"

"I will."

They said their goodbyes and the call ended, it was perfect timing as they were just pulling into the parking lot. There were many other cars there, some shiny and expensive and some rusty and old. The building itself was made of bricks and had a large neon purple sign--as well as blue and purple lights around the top of it. It was pretty for this area of town, which was populated by mostly disheveled and ruined buildings that were most often covered in moss and vines.

The two exited the car and locked it up before joining sides.

"Keys." Dream held his hand out to Sapnap.

Sapnap shot him an "Are you serious right now?" type of look, but after Dream didn't budge he set the keys in the palm of his hand. 

Dream shoved the keys into his back pocket along with his wallet. "Thanks, you still think you're gonna get drinks with that fake id of yours? They aren't dumb." 

"Its worked before."

Dream scoffed playfully as he and Sapnap walked inside together. The interior of the building was just as nice as the outside. Dream wasn't aware that not only was the building a bar, but also a club where many people were dancing under colorful lights to the music.

Dream took a long look at the place. It was beyond him how he didn't already have a headache from it all, the flashing lights, loud music, and people loudly chatting. He could get past it, but there probably should've been a warning for people who couldn't, oh well. Both of them navigated to the bar and sat besides each other, waiting for the bartender to tend to them. Dream was doubtful Sapnaps fake id would actually get him a few drinks, and if he was right he'd never let Sapnap, who was overly confident, forget about it.

"Alright," The bartender, a nice looking lady with the name tag 'Eve' started, "What can I get you two?" She asked as she slung her towel over her shoulder.

Dream got out his wallet as he thought for a second, "Can I just have a couple shots of fireball? Yeah that sounds fine, what about you, Sap?" Dream turned to his friend with a cocked eyebrow. 

"I'll just have a few uh..whiskey shots?"

Eve nodded, "Alrighty then, can I see your ids?"

Both Dream and Sapnap handed her the ids, and when Dream looked at Sapnap he hadn't even looked worried, not single drop of sweat on that cocky face of his.

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