Chapter 24

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Barb just stared at Poppy in total shock. Poppy couldn't believe what she just did. She was frozen in shock. They both were. Smidge, DJ, Branch, and Sparky were looking at them both

"Barb... I'm so sorry! I didn't mean it.." Poppy said

"Poppy it's-"

"I- I- I- I just had a nightmare! I didn't have any control!" Poppy said

Barb went over to her for comfort

"Hey, hey it's ok Pop-Squeak." Barb said

"No it's not! I hurt you... I would never do that.." Poppy said

"A lot of things happen when we have nightmares. So you wanna explain it?" Barb asked

Poppy sniffled and wiped her nose

"It's... there were so many voices.. telling me that I'm just like my dad.. I- you were there.. everyone was there. I stabbed you right through the stomach with my bare hands Barb! I- I..." Poppy trailed off

Barb grabbed her hands

"Hey Poppy... it's ok, it was just a nightmare." Barb said

"In my nightmare... you had no eyes, and you had a big hole in your stomach.. saying that I'm just like dad..." Poppy said

"Poppy... I would never say that." Barb said

"But you did in my nightmare." Poppy said

"It was a night-"

"You even said mating was a mistake!" Poppy said

Barbs eyes widened

"Poppy, mating with you was the best thing that ever happened to me. I love you, more than anything in the world! I'm so glad I met you... you- you complete me. You're the missing piece to my puzzle I've been searching for my entire life! I love you, and I'm so glad we mated." Barb said, squeezing Poppy's hand to show that she meant it

"But what if I am just like dad... what if it's only a matter of time?" Poppy asked

"Poppy you're nothing like your father. How do I know? Because you've done things he's never done. You didn't judge us for being different, you never showed us any harm, you're always looking at the bright side, even if the bright side gets us into trouble." Barb joked

The two of them laughed. Barb snorted

"And you never tried to kill any of us." Barb said

Poppy smiled

"You mean that?" Poppy asked

"Of course I do! I mean every word. You're my rock." Barb said

"Yeah, I guess I am huh?" Poppy smiled

"Yes, you are." Barb smiled

The two kisses each other and then proceeded to hug with smiles on their faces

Spine was in a tree watching them. He had to figure out how to separate them for good! Spine then looked at Barb. Poppy was definitely attached to this Troll. He had to tell this to Creek

That's when he ran off


Spine arrived to Creeks pod as he was getting a few female Trolls to clean up his pod, a few being Poppy's friends

"Dear, I said wine not beer." Creek said

"Sorry Creek." A lady said

"It's King Creek." Creek said

"Yes King Creek!" She said walking away

Creek saw Spine come inside

"Spine! Mate! So good to see you! Did you find the Trolls?" Creek asked

"Yeah, I did." Spine said

"Wonderful!! Where are they?" Creek asked

"They're in the middle of the forest." Spine answered

"Excellent! We'll set off first thing in the morning!" Creek said

"I have an idea to lure Poppy in." Spine said

"How?" Creek asked

Spine shapeshifted into Barb

"Well they don't call me a shapeshifter for no reason! I learned that the two are mates, and everyone trusts their mates." Barb said

"You have a good point there. Then great! You'll go an hour ahead so it isn't suspicious." Creek said

"Great!" Barb smiled

"That looks really convincing." Creek smirked

"Well I am an amazing actor." Barb said with an accent

Spine shape shifted back into himself as him and Creek smiled at each other with an evil plan in their eyes

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