Chapter 22

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Branch, Sparky, DJ, and Smidge came back with more firewood to see Barb staring at Poppy. She wasn't moving. They went over and placed the wood down

They closer they got they could hear Barb snoring. Sparky nudged Barbs shoulder to wake her up. Barb looked at her

Branch put the fire closer to Poppy and put another blanket on her for extra warmth

Barb just looked at Poppy. She didn't want Poppy out of her sight. After finding out about Venney throwing Poppy off the cliff and her almost drowning, and Barb risking her life for her

Barb couldn't even swim and she still jumped in to save Poppy's life. Was that love? Was it because of their marks? Or was it something more?

Sure they loved each other, but there had to be a reason why Barb wouldn't let anyone else go in the water, knowing full well she would've probably died

Sparky nudged Barb out of her thinking

"Hey Barb." Sparky said

"Hey." Barb said, still looking at Poppy

"Don't worry Barb, Poppy will be alright." Sparky said

"She looks hurt and scared." Barb said

"Yeah I know, but she'll be alright Barb, I promise." Sparky said

"I haven't even taken my eyes off of her ever since we came back up." Barb said

"Yeah I know." Sparky said

"Is that normal for mates?" Barb asked

"Don't know Barb. I never had one." Sparky said

"But you know everything." Barb said

"Well not the mate thing. All I know it's different for everyone." Sparky said

"Yeah, I've never been like this with the few Trolls I've dated before." Barb said

"Well everyone has someone special for them." Sparky said

"You do too." Barb said, finally looking at her

"Pfft no one here can deal with someone like me Barb." Sparky said

"Well like you said before, everyone has a special someone." Barb said

"Well yeah, but I don't think anybody here is my special someone." Sparky said

"Same here, my special someone is the daughter of the Troll who killed my dad." Barb said

"At least she isn't like him." Sparky said

"Yeah, but if Poppy didn't scratch my face, I wonder who did." Barb said

"Well if it was someone else they were probably wearing a mask or something to look like Poppy." Sparky said

"Yeah, but who would do that? I mean why?" Barb asked

"Probably someone who doesn't like you? I don't know." Sparky said

"I really want to figure out who. I shouldn't have yelled at Poppy like that. She would never hurt me." Barb said

"Hey it's ok. It wasn't your fault, and plus you didn't know." Sparky said

"Yeah I didn't. I just didn't want to get hurt again. I was scared after that person did that." Barb said

"Don't worry. We'll find the person who did that to you." Sparky said

"We will? What are we gonna do if we find them?" Barb asked

"Eh your choice. They attacked you." Sparky said

"Yeah, and they were saying so much stuff about dad." Barb said, looking away

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