Chapter 23

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Poppy was in a dark place running away from these voices. They were all saying the same thing. She wanted to wake up, she wanted Barb. All she wanted was to get out of this nightmare

"You did this." A voice said

"You're gonna end up just like your father." Another said

"The Pop Trolls destroyed the cave and almost killed your friends because of you..." Another one said

"No.." Poppy said

"You'll hurt your friends.. you'll kill them all." The voices said

"NO!!!" Poppy shouted

The voices stopped. Poppy sighed relieved till Peppy came up to her with Creek. Poppy was about to run but Creek grabbed her arms to stop her and pinned her to the ground

Poppy was experiencing insane fear, fear she had never felt before

"Poppy, darling, look at you. All of these lies being told to you. You will be just like me." Peppy said

"No... I'm nothing like you!" Poppy cried

Poppy tried to get Creek off of her

"Leave me alone.. please! Please leave me alone..." Poppy begged as tears poured

Creek faded away which made Poppy immediately get up. She heard screams of pain and immediately turned around to see Barb and the others hurt and badly, severely injured

Poppy tried to run to her friends aid, but Creek was huge, as huge as a Bergan and picked up Poppy's friends

"Oh Poppy, you tried so hard to escape, but you know that deep down, you're just like King Peppy. A killer. Don't try holding it back any longer!" Creek said

Poppy started to shake in fear. She looked at herself and saw multiple colors of blood on her. Orange, red, purple, blue, yellow blood... all over here. Poppy quivered in fear

She grew more afraid and had a hard time breathing. She tried to calm down, but nothing was helpful

Peppy held up a mirror for Poppy to look at herself. The fear grew worse. She was horrified. Her reflection was her but different. She was evil, she had her crown, but she was different, very different

The blood was spread all over her body, her eyes glew. The reflection laughed like a crazy person

"Say goodbye to Barb forever..." Her reflection said

Poppy's eyes widened in fear. She heard a scream of pain and agony

Poppy immediately turned around and saw her holding onto Barb by her shirt. Poppy's hand go right through Barbs stomach. It left a huge hole

"BARB!!" Poppy shouted in worry

Poppy slid to Barb's side. She held Barb in her arms with tears in her eyes. Barbs breaths were short and weak. They were very wheezy

"Barb... Barb wake up..." Poppy said

Poppy felt Barbs heart stop. Barb stopped breathing. Poppy's tears came out like a waterfall

"No... no, no, no, no! Barb please!!" Poppy said


"Barb... wake up! Please wake up! Don't go... please.." Poppy said

Nothing but silence

Poppy held Barb closer to her crying even worse now. Creek came over to her with a smirk on his face. He a laughed

"You did this Poppy. You killed her." Creek said

Poppy's eyes widened in surprise

"No... no!! I didn't!" Poppy said

"But you did." Creek smirked

Poppy held Barb into a hug, hoping for her heart to magically start beating again. Creek disappeared. Poppy felt a hand on her throat

Barbs eyes were gone. It was just two black holes. It got Poppy very terrified

"You did this to us!" Barb said

"No... no I would never!" Poppy said

Barb dug her hands into Poppy neck. Poppy couldn't breathe. She shoved Barb away and tried to catch her breath, coughing

Barb sat up. Poppy was still horrified seeing her without any eyes

"You killed my dad." Barb said

"No I didn't! Barb I was barely a baby..." Poppy said

"It still doesn't change anything!! You came to our cave and got the Pop Trolls to attack us!" Barb said

"I didn't know.." Poppy said

"Tsk! You're just like your father!" Barb said

"! No stop!" Poppy said

"If your father is a killer, you are too!!" Barb said

"No I'm not!!" Poppy said

"Yes you are! I should've never mated with you! THAT WAS A MISTAKE!!!" Barb shouted



Poppy woke up and sat up

"IT WASN'T!!!!" Poppy shouted, punching Barb in the face

Barb fell back

"OW!!!!!" Barb shouted

Poppy gasped

"Barb! I- I- I'm sorry!" Poppy said

Barb looked at Poppy. She didn't know how to react

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