Chapter 19 🍋

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Poppy and Barb walked through the forest holding each other's hands. They were looking for a spot so they wouldn't worry about getting caught again

Poppy saw an area that was covered up. That could work

"Hey Barb! How about over there?" Poppy asked

Barb looked and saw it. It was perfect

"Yeah that works." Barb said

The two walked over there. Poppy made sure to cover it just in case others were looking for them

"Your face.." Poppy said

"It's fine Poppy." Barb said

Poppy smiled. She didn't even remember hurting Barb. She would never do that. They took their clothes off. Now that Barb had more experience than before she knew what to do sort of

"You ready?" Poppy asked

"Yeah." Barb said

Poppy took a deep breath and went closer to Barb. She then fingered her. Poppy moved her finger around inside Barb

Poppy got closer and licked inside Barb's area. Barb moaned and put her hand on Poppy's head. Poppy looked at her with a smirk

Poppy took her finger out and sucked the inside. Barb bit her lip and her eye twitched. Poppy went faster. Barb put her legs around Poppy to keep her still

"S-slow down.." Barb said

Poppy slowed down like Barb said. She got out of her and looked into Barbs red eyes. Poppy licked the blood that was coming out of Barbs wounds. They were pretty deep, so they would definitely leave scars

The two kissed each other. They went to each other's necks and started to suck. Poppy bit her which made Barb moan. It didn't stop her. Poppy held Barb down and just sucked on her neck

The two knew what they were doing. Poppy continued to suck and bite Barbs neck till she pulled away leaving a mark on Barbs neck

Barb grabbed Poppy's shoulders and leaned in to kiss her. Barb did the same thing to Poppy. It was only her second time and they were already forming a closer bond

Barb bit Poppy's neck. Sparky would definitely kill both of them if she found out about this, especially since Sparky was so protective over her after that horrible day in Troll Village

She would definitely freak if she saw the marks and the scratches on her

Barb pulled away as the marks were now on Poppy as well. They were now permanent mates

They were now each other's permanently. Poppy realized this and her eyes widened

"Oh crap!" Poppy said, putting her hand over her mouth

"What's wrong?" Barb asked

"My dad is gonna kill me." Poppy said

"Hey, it's ok. You're dad won't find you." Barb said

"We don't know that." Poppy said

"If it makes you feel any better, Sparky's probably gonna kill me too, knowing that we're permanently mates now. We belong to each other now." Barb said

"I guess you have a point there. I love you Barb." Poppy said

"Yeah, I love you too Pop-Squeak." Barb said

The two laid down on the grass and fell asleep with each other. Poppy did it

She was finally with someone she loved and wasn't forced into a relationship this time. She felt free

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