~Part 1~Captured

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"Where am i"

"You've been captured princess"

"Who are you"

"I'm the one and only...Dream..."



Y/n's POV~

I was woken up from my sleep to the sound of my friends screaming. I looked out of the window to see the place I called home being devoured in flames. seeing my friends rushing around to put it out brought tears to my eyes. I was too stunned to speak, I think I forgot how to breathe too.

I quickly snapped back to reality, there was no time to stand here in shock while my friends ran around trying to stop the fire from spreading even more or trying to gather up supplies knowing we might have to fight later on.

I ran around my house as fast as I could trying to grab all the supplies I might need. I even graded one or two things that are from my childhood just in case.

I grabbed my bow and plenty of arrows. I'm known as L'manburges sharp shooter. I can hit any target with precise aim.

Once I got everything I needed I ran out of my house to see both Tommy and Tubbo running towards me. I was able to let out a sigh of relief seeing as though neither of them had been harmed and I was gonna do my best to make sure it stayed that way.

"What's going on...what happened?'' I ask as they both made their way towards me. They looked at me with fear in their eyes, gasping for air.

"It's Dream and his gang..."was all Tommy was able to say before running out of breath again.

"Where are they" I asked. Tubbo pointed in the direction they were previously running from. Still at a loss for air.

I immediately took off running as fast as my feet would take me in the direction he was pointing in. I could hear their cries get quieter the father I ran to, they were protesting about me going over to fight.

As I was running I made sure to pass by the stables. Running inside I ran past all the empty stalls, some were broken down by horses who probably got so scared they broke down the door to escape, others looked like people too must have taken their horse to go help, well only about 2 or 3 were still occupied.

I opened the stalls so that the horses could get away. From the looks of it outside the fire is spreading fast and it's gonna be safer for them if they aren't in here when the fire is to reach the stables.

When I reached the end of the barn that is where my horse Atlas is currently panicking in his stall. Atlas is a 16.3 hand Thoroughbred Stallion with a short silky black coat. When I got to him I tried my best to relax him. Atlas is a war horse so it's not hard to calm him down.I didn't have time to fully saddle him up so instead I opted just for a halter with reins that just clip onto it.He bolted out of the stall as soon as I opened the door. I held onto the reins so he wouldn't fully run out of the barn without me. Thankfully he didn't take long to settle down and we quickly trotted down the aisle.

 Thankfully he didn't take long to settle down and we quickly trotted down the aisle

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