20) breakdowns and searches.

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Aiden P.O.V.:

Bella has been gone for a while now. She said she was going to go get water but she is still not back. I heard glass break and then it was silent for about 15-20 minutes.

I knew something was wrong because it doesn't take 20 minutes to go and grab water. I make my way down to the kitchen and see broken glass on the floor and some blood like there were signs of struggle. I started to panic.

"ISABELLA?!" I shout a couple of times. Her brothers hear me as they run downstairs as they hear me shout.

"Hey bro what's up?" Dante asks.

"Have you seen izzy?" I ask while panicking.

"No what do you mean, wasn't she upstairs with you? I mean we all heard you guys." He says and looks uncomfortable.

I blush but there's no time for that right now...

"She came down for some water and I could hear glass break but I thought she just dropped a glass and was cleaning it up but she was taking to long to come back upstairs. So I came to check on her but she wasn't here." I say all in one breath.

"You mean my sister is gone?" Antonio says calmly.


"FUCK!" He shouts and storms into the tracking room.

I sat by myself with my head in my hands, my shoulders silently heaving as I cry because I feel responsible for this. If only I went downstairs with her. If only we went straight to sleep. If only I told her I love her. I don't know if I'll ever see her again.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and I looked up so fast I thought that my neck would snap.

"Don't worry we'll find her." He says.

"I know we will." I nod to Stefano.

Isabella P.O.V:

I wake up to someone throwing me on what feels like a basement floor. The person takes off my blindfold and I blink a couple of times so my eyes adjust to the lighting above my head. When they adjust I see Noel standing there with his hands behind his back like he is hiding something from me. I look at him exasperated. I would never let him see my fear. He looks angry at my reaction. He takes his hand from behind his back and what I see makes my heart drop.

It's a drill that you use to take screws out of something.

My eyes widened but I quickly put a bored look on my face but it seems he saw my eyes because his smile grew. I tried to backup but only then did I notice my tied up hands and legs. Noel kept walking closer and closer with a psychotic look on his face. Only then did I start to panic.

"Wait wait wait, please stop!" I pleaded but he didn't stop, if anything he picked up his pace.

"I'll do anything. Just please dont."

Only then he stopped and he looked conflicted. But then as if a switch clicked in his head his eyes lit up. And it terrified me.

"Anything?" He says all sweet like.

"Anything." I said honestly terrified.

He came close to me and stroked my face. I looked at him confused. He smiled at me and his hand started groping my body. I froze.

He was gonna rape me.

He kept pulling things off my body and hitting me everytime I fought and kicked. He pulled his pants down and before I could say anything he slammed into me making me scream in pain.
He left me alone like 45 minutes ago.

I sat in the corner rocking myself back and forth in a tight ball formation. I started to think of everything that has happened ti ne since I left to live with my brothers. I miss them. Thinking of them made me wanna cry. So I did.

I had a breakdown for about 20 minutes before I started laugh/crying like a crazy maniac. I grabbed my hair in hard tight fist and screamed. Noel cane running into the room and he looked terrified. I stopped, stood up and looked at him. I saw him gulp which make me smirk and then I put on a creepy face and tilted my head to the side all the while staring at him.

I smelt something weird so my eyes went down to see he shit/passed himself which made me laugh harder but still like a maniac. I didn't notice one of his men come behind me and stick a needle in my neck before it's too late.

I passed out with a creepy grin on my face.


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