13) lunchtime fights and reunions

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Isabella P.O.V.:

All my classes went by fast.

It was now lunchtime.

I walk into the lunch room and everyone goes quiet.

I sit at an empty table and go on my phone. The talking resumed.

*15 minutes later*

The cafeteria doors banged open.

Everyone went quiet. A-FREAKING-GAIN!

I was liking Instagram photo's on my home feed quietly.

Someone tapped my shoulder and I turned to see Antonio with his eyebrow raised.

Antonio said "Bambina (baby girl) why are you sitting all by yourself?"

"I didn't make any friends yet, so I sat alone."

He didn't seem to like this so he said "Come sit with me, the twins and our friends."

So I grabbed my bag and moved to their table.

*10 minutes later*

I had my head down because I have a headache. I heard heels coming my way and I thought nothing of it until the sound stopped straight behind me. So I sat up and turned around slowly.

I noticed the whole cafeteria including my brothers were quiet and gazing our way. There was two sets of popular girls behind me.

The person tapped me on my shoulder and I turned around.

"Why are you here at our boyfriends table?" The head blond bimbo from popular set 1 said to me.

"Because I can." I stated quietly but politely.

"Well you need to move because your in my seat!" She screeched.

I visibly winced. Some people snickers and others full out belly laugh.

"Can you shut the hell up? I have a headache from earlier. The math teacher with the sprinkler of a damn mouth talks to much! Your motherfucking screeching is not helping!" I said calmly.

The whole cafeteria was laughing real hard. Including the other popular squad.

"HOW DARE YOU?!" She screeched.

She raised her hand to hit me but I catch it midway.

I had no time for a speech since I had a headache so I just resulted into fighting her.

I punched her in the face and she stumbled back. I swiped under her leg so I could get her lower. She fell onto the floor and I kicked her in the side. I then straddled her and kept throwing punches at her face.

I got off of her and told people to bring her to the nurse.

When I was finished and she was being taken out of the cafeteria everybody was staring at me with a wide open jaw, including my brothers.

I turned to the other set and me and the leader made eye contact and we circled around each other. She had on her cheerleading outfit. Everybody looked on edge. I stopped in front of her and got all in her face and she was all up in mine. 

"What are you doing here you bitch?!" She said.

"DAMN! Last I checked I didn't have to explain myself to you!"

Everyone looked scared.

She raised her hand and put it on my shoulder.

I eyed her hand and put mine on hers. Then I looked right into her eyes.

Then we just burst out laughing.

Everyone looked confused.



We did our handshake and sat down at my brothers table.

Everyone looked shocked and still sorta confused.

Who is Laura? Lemme tell you.

When I was at my 3rd foster home 4 turning 5. Well the family had 2 sons Aiden and Preston, and 1 girl, Laura. Even though we were family we called each others bestfriends and everyone in town called us 'The more the Merrier' because although it was us four as a group we liked to befriend people but they were never as close as us. Anyway when their parents died they never blamed me we all grieved together. When social services came we were separated because we were of the ages 4 (Me), 4 (Laura), 6 (Preston), and 10 (Aiden).

Anyway back to the present.

Me and Laura caught up the rest of the lunch time and when the bell rang we went to our classes which the last two we had together. I made her promise that she wouldn't tell Aiden and Preston I was here. I wanted to be extra and surprise them.

When school was over we got in the car and drove home.

We opened the door and there stood Angelo, Dante, and Stefano with their arms crossed.

"Mind telling us why you beat that blond girl at lunch until she was unconsious?" Stefano asked deathly calm.

well shit!


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