Seulgi: I'm not jealous.

Irene: Yeah, sure you are. Hahaha. Come on babe let's go back to them. She giggled

The two rejoin the group and now was sitting beside the fountain, Seulgi decided to sit with her friends while Irene did the same. She sat beside her friends and was exchanging conversations.

Girls Conversation

Wendy: Besh, did you fight?

Irene: A bit, I mean it was at first. Even she doesn't admit it's obvious that she is jealous and she even raise her voice, I was really shocked by what she did.

Nayeon: What?! Woah... even though Seulgi won't admit it Besh, but it was obvious that you have a great effect on her. But I still couldn't believe it, she raise her voice to you.

Tzuyu: Maybe she felt a bit threatened because of hottie? Hehe

Irene: What?! No! I don't even like her, I do feel sorry for her because she doesn't have friends and she doesn't even know what friendship is! I mean, who in the world does not know what friendship is.

Wendy: What, seriously? And how did you know that?

Irene: She asked me, she even said if it is an object or where she could obtain and learn it.

Tzuyu: That's odd, she's like the same age like us, but she doesn't know what friendship is? I haven't met anyone who doesn't know about it.

Irene: Apparently her, Tzuyu.

Nayeon: Is she like not from around here? Maybe she doesn't have friends. That's why, she really doesn't know what friendship is.

Irene: She said she's not from around here and she's like maybe born outside of the country. Um, I guess you're right Besh. I feel sorry for her at the same time I hate her.

Tzuyu: Huh? Why is it Irene?

Irene: Well, she has no means of conversation, she's quiet! So mysterious! And she will only give you a 50:50 f*cking smile! She said, irritated

Nayeon, Wendy and Tzuyu looked at each other. They all know Irene and her curious head. If Irene is curious and what's known or wants to figure out whether an object or a person she will pursue it without hesitation. Irene is a very determined person, she's very organized and wants to be in control as much as possible, that's why she is very suited in her Division.

Wendy: Besh... Don't tell me you are trying to figure out the student?

Irene: Wh-what? ... I don't know Besh. I'm intrigued by her.

Tzuyu: So you want to get to know her more?

Irene: Um, maybe... Maybe under all that emotionless face, she could be a good friend.

Nayeon: Besh, we know you, hahaha. But make sure it's an only friend thing and nothing beyond that, even though she's our dream girl. Don't forget you have Seulgi... And also you, Wendy and Tzuyu. And please tell Mina what I just said... Because, LISA IS MINE! HAHAHAHAHA!--- OUCHHHHH!

With Nayeon's serious tone that was quickly shifted in claiming Lisa was hers, they slapped Nayeon with the book. Who could blame Lisa for being a head turner, although she is aware with her surroundings. Because her senses are heightened more than others due to her training before, but it is numb to the emotional feelings of the people around her.

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