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I followed Young-do up the street, him holding my hand the entire way. I was excited and nervous at the same time. He said he was going to be my bodyguard, and from the looks of it, we were heading back to his house. What was he going to do? I couldn't keep myself from shaking. 

We arrived at the front door to his house. He paused for a moment, glaring at the door, remembering how this house brought him nothing but trouble and despair. He turned back to me and smiled. He could tell that I was nervous. 

He did that thing where he held me by the shoulders and squeezed tightly. "Seo-yun, there is nothing for you to feel scared or worried about. I will take care of you." He furrowed his brows. "If we are going to be together, this is something I need to do. So just stand next to me and let me be your bodyguard. Okay?" I smiled at him and nodded. I reached out and squeezed his hand tight. "Okay, bodyguard." 

Young-do smirked and turned back to the door. His soft expression melted away to his usual hard and scary exterior. Yikes. He pushed the little buttons on the side of the house and the gates swung open. He walked towards the house and, without knocking, burst through the door. All of his house staff were surprised at seeing us return and in such an urgent manner, and they clumsily bowed to the both of us. I tried to give them a look that said, "You don't have to do that, we're just people," but it didn't work. 

Young-do strolled up to his father's office and burst through those doors as well. His father was sitting behind the desk, and another man with a notepad was sitting across from him. Young-do's dad had stopped mid-sentence, and I could tell that we had interrupted something. Young-do didn't seem to care.

"Hey, dad." Young-do said in a derisive manner. His father's eyes bugged out of his head. "How dare you interrupt my business meeting?" His father barked at him. Young-do didn't back down. He approached his father's desk, still holding my hand. I shuffled towards the desk as well, wanting to stay a little farther back, but Young-do was adamant. He squeezed my hand tight and brought me close next to him. 

"Your business meeting isn't half as important as what I'm about to say to you." His father's eyes were still big, and his eyebrows furrowed angrily. I could tell that the vein in his forehead was next to make an appearance. "I know all about what you said to Seo-yun. The disgusting way you treated her and spoke to her, how you tried to bribe her to stop seeing me, and you threatened her." Young-do scoffed. "I am ashamed to call you my father, but I have to for this next part." 

His father stood up and slammed his hands on the desk. "Young-do! You will not speak to me this way!" He yelled. Ah, there was the vein. Young-do slammed one hand on the desk. "Yes, I will!" He yelled back, his voice even louder. Young-do could be really frightening when he wanted to be. I just hoped I was never on the receiving end of his scariness. 

"You dared to treat her this way just because she's different. She's not rich, and that's why you wanted to get rid of her. You didn't care about the type of person she was, or the fact that she makes me happy. I am the happiest I have ever felt in my life because of her." He turned back to me with a smile on his face. "And most importantly, I love her." I couldn't help but gasp. He loved me? He loved me! I didn't know three little words could make me so happy. 

He turned back to his father, his scary face returning. "I love her. And there is nothing you can do that will ever stop me from loving her. So just give up." His father was seething with rage. "I hope you know you're throwing everything away for this...this trash!" His father screamed, pointing at me. 

Young-do gritted his teeth and let go of my hand. He got really close to his father and slammed both of his hands on the desk. "You're the trash here, not her." He smirked. "Should I even talk about your illegal activity? Your arrest? Don't think I didn't know why that happened." His father hands shook. "How DARE you!?" He screamed, and raised a hand to hit Young-do. I gasped, but Young-do reacted quickly and grabbed his father's hand, preventing the hit. "I see you haven't changed. You're still using violence like a worthless person." His father audibly gasped. 

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