Chapter 17

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O: "Take us back to Ogima."
Guard: "Yes ma'am."
We start going back and I hear my name.
Y/n: "Who called me?"
R: "I don't know."
FM: "Wasn't us."
W: "It's Fast Forward!"
Y/n: "Ohhh."
I close my eyes and see her. I can't talk because she called for me.
FF: "Why are you guys turning around?"
I point to myself. Then I point to my head.
FF: "You have an idea?"
I nod.
FF: "Does it involve saving me?"
I nod.
FF: "But you guys are turning around!"
I open my eyes.
Y/n: "Guys! How do I tell her the plan?"
WC: "Why don't you just look for her instead of her look for you?"
Y/n: "Righttt"
I close my eyes.
Y/n: "Fast Forward? Hello?"
She pops up and looks annoyed.
Y/n: "Look. I know it sounds bad but hear me out. Is Med around?"
She shakes her head. She acts like she's steering.
Y/n: "So she's the control room?"
She nods.
Y/n: "Ok, well the plan is to lure her to Ogima. We found out she is help the aliens get back at my mom. She died so they're coming for me now. Since obviously she knows we turn around she'll come for us."
She stops frowning and makes an understanding face.
Y/n: "So when you get here, I'm gonna send Wildcard to find you because if I enter the ship they'll take off with me inside. How many are there?"
She holds up a number five.
Y/n: "Including Med- actually she doesn't deserve a nickname, including Medina?"
She nods.
Y/n: "Easy! Well other than their fire powers, manipulation, and shape shifting. I think I know a way around them all. All see you later."
She nods and I open my eyes.
Y/n: "Guys come sit down please."
They all sit down and buckle up.
Y/n: "Ok. I know how to get around all of their powers. We'll start with the easiest-"
N: "This isn't gonna be easy."
WC: "They can literally kill us!"
Ly: "What?!"
Y/n: "Not if you listen! The easiest is the manipulation. Just cover your ears."
G: "I can do that."
Y/n: "I'm probably just gonna put headphones on you. Lydia, I'm probably gonna need to leave you safe in the palace."
Ly: "Rather that than die."
Y/n: "Now fire. Guppy you must stay hydrated and aware of every alien. Can I trust you with that?"
G: "Yes you can!"
Y/n: "You see fire, put it out."
G: "Easy!"
Y/n: "Now everyone listen hard and good. The shapeshifting is the hardest part. To know if they're the real, ask them a question that only the real person would know."
A: "That's gonna be hard."
R: "Try your best."
N: "Well what about Fast Forward?"
Y/n: "I was getting there. Wildcard has the hardest job. You're going to get her."
WC: "Me?!"
Y/n: "Yes you. I would send Noodles but we're gonna need him. So you get to look for the Jupiter room. There has to be a code on it because the clues left us numbers. When get her, grab here and teleport back. If you see Medina, you teleport, hide, turn invisible, whatever is necessary. She's gonna be patrolling HOPING I'm the one who came, so she can take off with me."
W: "She's right. It can't be the person they want."
FM: "Dude are you gonna do it or not?"
WC: "Fine I'll do it."
R: "Thank you."
A: "What do the rest of us do?"
Y/n: "We fight."

Slick's Dojo
Sorry it's short but the battle is gonna be long because 1. People are fight while trying not to get tricked 2. Wildcard has to find Fast Forward 3. They have to take down Medina (the fakest of the all)

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