Chapter 12

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R: "Guys I'm tired!"
N: "I'm in pain!"
He winces.
Ly: "I'm tired..."
Y/n: "Get on my back."
I say finally giving in. Fast Forward takes over pulling Noodles.
Ly: "How much longer?"
FF: "How should we know? We flew here."
I haven't slept since early in the morning and I'm tired!
Y/n: "Any ideas?"
N: "Does anyone-"
He winces again.
N: "Have a phone?"
Y/n: "I do! Good idea Noodles!"
Y/n: "Sorry..."
I pull out my phone and call Ojo.
Y/n: "Can you pick us up? Noodles is hurt, I'm hurt, we found a little girl, and we're all tired."
O: "Actually we sent people looking for you guys. Said they dropped Noodles and Fast Forward at the capital. We were scared. I'll tell them to look there."
Y/n: "Alright."
O: "Stay safe."
She hangs up.
R: "So....."
He says as he puts his arm around my shoulder.
Y/n: "So.... they were already searching for us, so they should be here soon."
FF: "Great 'cause I can't do this any longer."
She looks at Noodles.
FF: "No offense!"
Y/n: "Ewww! She's drooling on me!"
R: "Let me take her."
He takes her off my back and cradles her. She's pretty small for her age.
N: "There they are!"
FF: "Help!"
~On The Ship~
Fast Forward sat in the edge of the hospital bed.
FF: "We're almost there..."
She says grabbing Noodles' hand.
N: "I just don't understand. My whole body is elastic! How did I break?"
Y/n: "It's the aliens. They're really smart."
I hear Lydia snore.
R: "She's right. They have our kryptonite!"
FF: "Huh?"
N: "They know our weaknesses."
FF: "Who's been affected?"
Y/n: "Me. When you were screaming for help in the shed, I tried to close my eyes and search for the source. At the time I didn't know it was y'all. Every time I tried to enter it went dark."
R: "We still don't understand how that's possible but we'll find out."
N: "And how they broke my so called INDESTRUCTIBLE legs."
He scoffs and I playfully roll my eyes. We finally land and Rewind and I get off the ship. We walk into the dining hall and see everyone.
Y/n: "Guys! I'm so glad to see y'all."
We all run towards each other. We all hug and then I hug Wildcard. We noticed what we were doing.
WC & Y/n: "EW!"
We say dusting ourselves off.
O: "Where were y'all? We were worried sick!"
Y/n: "It's a long story that can wait."
G: "Where's Noodles?"
R: "Uh..."
A: "And Fast Forward?"
R: "Mm..."
Y/n: "About that...I need Med like now."
I pull her to the ship followed by everyone.
Ly: "He's ok calm down."
Guppy quickly creates water and Wildcard gets his freeze ray ready.
WC: "Who are you?"
Ly: "Let's just say I'm a survivor."
FF: "Anyways Wildcard, freeze the rest of this chain off Lydia and I's ankles."
He freezes them until they break off.
Ly: "FREEDOM!!!"
We all look at her.
Ly: "I mean thanks.....stop looking at me! Help your friend!"
N: "Uh yeah! I'm broken here!"
They all laugh.
WC: "You?!"
FM: "Broken?!"
W: "You're joking right? That's physically impossible!"
Y/n: "Welp everything is possible because my friend here's legs are broken."
E: "WHAT?!"
FF: "Yeah yeah we get it 'how' 'what' 'impossible' blah blah blah. Just fix him!"
M: "Uhhh ok."
She closes her eyes. Her eyes start to glow as Noodles floats.
N: "Woah!"
He prays.
N: "I say no to these demo- YAAAAAA!"
We here his legs crack.
Guppy runs to me and Lydia runs to Rewind and we cover their ears. Med slowly lowers him back down.
R: "So?"
Noodles stretches his legs and kicks Rewind in the face.
R: "Owwwww!"
N: "And that's for being super annoying!"
I look at Rewind as he starts hanging his head.
Y/n: "Hey look at me."
I lift his chin.
Y/n: "He didn't mean it."
N: "I was joking....sorry..."
We all leave the ship and take shelter in the palace.
Y/n: "Guys this is Lydia. Lydia. These are the rest of the Mini Heroics."
She freezes. I wave my hand in front of her face.
Y/n: "Hello."
She passes out in my arms.
FM: "Great! New record! Only lasted 10 seconds!"
He looks at A Capella.
FM: "Pay up!"
A: "Let me check with Bank of A Capella.....the bank isn't looking to make any loans at the moment."
R: "She dissed you pretty bad."
When Lydia wakes up, we take her to the wing for lost children. We'll get her in the morning.
O: "Now to your bedrooms for a great nights sleep."

Slick's Dojo
I didn't proof read but it'll do.

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