Chapter 3

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R: "Circle?"
Y/n: "Let's save that for later. You take him."
He smiles at me.
Guard: "You can't take me!"
R: "Oh really?"
Rewind does a backflip that kicks the guard and he gets knocked out.
Y/n: "K.O.!
He ran and hugged me. It was his first K.O.
FF: "Whenever you guys stop being a cute couple or whatever, we still have to help Ojo."
Y/n: "Oh yeah!"
I walk over and get the keys.
Y/n: "You messed with the wrong dude."
We ran back to the ship.
Y/n: "Wheels? May I ask, have you figured it out yet?"
W: "I actually haven't. It's not intuitive like the alien ones from 2 months ago."
Y/n: "Well at least try."
I hand him the keys and he puts the keys in the ignition and turns it own. He straps his wheelchair down to the ship.
FM: "10-1 says this will happen exactly like it did last ti-"
N: "Not the time!"
FM: "Stop yelling at me!"
N: "Make me!"
S: "You guys are annoying."
WC: "Why can't you talk normal all the time?"
Y/n: "Guys! Hush! We sound like our parents and Wheels needs to focus!"
E: "Sorry."
W: "It's just a big button that says launch."
Y/n: "Everyone take a seat and buckle up!"
We all sit down.
W: "Ready?"
E: "Ready."
He pressed the button and we launch into the air as the H-Base roof opens.
Y/n: "HoLd On TiGhT!"
Rewind grabs my wrist. Guppy starts holding onto Wildcard really tight.
WC: "GuPpY mY aRm! YoUrE gOnNa BrEaK iT!"
She lets go.
G: "SoRrY."
Fast Forward's seatbelt broke and she started to fall down to the end of the ship.
R: "Twin!" (They call each other that)
He starts to unbuckle, but I stop him.
Y/n: "No! Don't do it! Noodles! Grab Fast Forward!"
N: "On it!"
He reaches out and catches Fast Forward and pulls her on his lap. He wraps his arms around her so she doesn't fall again.
N: "I've got're ok. Breathe."
She grabs Noodles arms and holds on tight. Rewind and I look at each other. He smirks at me. I could tell she felt safe in his arms.

We finally hit space and it's a smooth ride from here. I was the first to unbuckle.
R: "Y/n what are you doing?"
Y/n: "Come on! It's fun!"
I do a flip easily.
R: "Fine."
He unbuckles and starts flipping.
Y/n: "Show off."
R: "I taught you how to flip though."
Y/n: "True."
Wheels unbuckled from his wheelchair and started floating around.
W: "It feels good to be out of my wheelchairrrrrrrr."
Guppy starts making a shark again that's about to eat the person. A Capella starts singing the Jaws theme.
A: 🎶Dun nun........Dun nun........dun nun nu nun nu nu nu nun nu-🎶
Wildcard points his finger and freezes her water.
G: "Y/nnnnnn! Wildcard froze my water!"
Y/n: "Wildcard. We've talked about this. She's little. Leave her alone or she'll go crazy."
WC: "I don't care."
He goes invisible.
Y/n: "He's being a b-"
I look at Guppy.
Y/n: "A butthole....."
Noodles is asking Facemaker to turn into different things.
N: "How about an elephant?"
FM: "Dude I can't shape shift!"
N: "Well make an elephant face!"
FM: "Fine."
He swipes his hand across his face and he looks like an elephant. Noodles jaw drops.
FM: "Satisfied?"
Noodles just nods his head. Rewind hugs me.
R: "Did you bring your phone?"
He says pouting.
Y/n: "Yeah, why?"
R: "Ojo. How long do we have?"
O: "3 hours"
Everyone groans.
Y/n: "Why did you need my phone?"
R: "Cause I wanted to watch Hamilton."
(Y'all can change that. That's my favorite musical ever 😭)
Y/n: "Fair enough."
We love to watch it together all the time for no reason at all. We "swim" to our chairs and buckle back up. I turn it on and we start watching it. I fell asleep.
W: "Wake up we're under attack!"
Y/n: "What?"
O: "Look! I drew that you're gonna go onto the ship and take it over. But how I don't know."
A: "We're being shot at!"
I go and grab a jet pack.
R & FF: "What are you doing?"
Y/n: "We're going over there."
W: "We can't all go! Look at Ojo's drawing."
Y/n: "Exactly. I say the older ones come. That means Guppy, Ojo, and Slo-mo have to stay. Where's Wildcard?"
WC: "Over here. I don't wanna go."
Y/n: "Ok he's staying too."
FM: "I'd rather not go cause I mean I'm kinda tired and-"
N: "Excuses-"
Y/n: "Chill. He can stay too."
So that means Wildcard, Guppy, Slo-mo, Facemaker, and Ojo are staying. Noodles, Fast Forward, Rewind, Wheels, A Capella and I are going to suit up.
Y/n: "Now please keep your helmets on UNTIL we get on the ship and it closes ple-"
W: "We gotta hurry!"
Y/n: "See you guys later."

Slick's Dojo
Sorry for not updating. I kinda got like busy for these past two days and forgot to finish the chapters. Plus I made a whole chapter 3 before this one and the whole thing deleted 🥲

 Plus I made a whole chapter 3 before this one and the whole thing deleted 🥲ANYWAYSSSSS

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