Chapter 1

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R: "You ready for later tonight?"
Y/n: "Of course I am. I'm spending the night with you!"
It's been 2 months since I first met Rewind. 1 since he asked me to be his girlfriend. Once every week we have a sleepover at each other's houses, and this week it was his house. We were in the stronghold playing around. Since the takeover we have been on small missions but they were pretty easy. Also
Ms. Granada decided she wanted to stay.
MG: "Rewind, Fast Forward, your parents are here."
All three of us stand up and Rewind grabs my hand as we leave.
RLF: "Your dad knows you're coming right?"
Rewind's mom said as we got in the car.
Y/n: "Yes ma'am."
CL: "Ok."
~Rewind's House~
Rewind and I change into matching pajamas. He was already laying in his bed. He opened his arms.
R: "Come on."
I go and lay on top of him and just lay there as he hugs me.
R:"Wanna watch a movie?"
Y/n: "Sure."
I roll off of him and he turns the movie on. I lay my head on his chest and fall asleep as he plays with my hair.
~The Next Morning~
My phone started to ring really loud. I look at the alarm clock and it's 7:25 am. I pick up my phone and it's Ojo.
R: "Who's calling you at 7 in the morninggg?"
He said in his morning voice. You loved his morning voice.
Y/n: "Ojo."
I answer it and put it to my ear.
Y/n: "Hello?"
She's freaking out like crazy.
Y/n: "Woah! Slow down."
She asks who I'm with and I say Rewind. She tells me to put it on speaker phone.
Y/n: "You're on speaker."
O: "I'm on my way back to Earth."
R: "Why?"
He yawns.
O: "I had to escape!"
Y/n: "Because..."
O: "Because we were invaded!"
Y/n & R: "What?!"
O: "Yeah. I'll explain it when I get there. Meet up in the stronghold and bring everyone else!"
She hung up. I look at Rewind.
R: "Finally a big task."
Y/n: "We're probably gonna have to leave Earth..."
R: "Oh yeah..."
I laid down on him.
Y/n: "I don't wanna get uppppp..."
R: "Me neither but we have to save Ojo's planet or they could lose their whole population."
Y/n: "I guess your right."
He kissed my forehead, I got up and put on the outfit I brought.

"He kissed my forehead, I got up and put on the outfit I brought

Йой! Нажаль, це зображення не відповідає нашим правилам. Щоб продовжити публікацію, будь ласка, видаліть його або завантажте інше.

I went into Fast Forward's room. We have gotten super close since I spend a lot of time at the stronghold and their house.
Y/n: "Fast forward. Wake up!"
FF: "Why the heck are you up so early? That's weird for you."
Y/n: "Ojo's in trouble and we need to get to the stronghold now."
She popped up really fast.
FF: "Alright."
I walked out and sat at the island in the kitchen with Rewind. I decided to text the group chat to tell everyone.

                              💪🏿Mini Heroics💪🏿
                                                                 Guys get up!!


                                                         It's an emergency🚨

Wildcard 🃏
Shut up it's so early!

Fast Forward 🤪
She's right tho! Ojo's in trouble!

Wildcard 🃏
Stop with the pranks and let me sleep

Rewind 🥰❤️
Don't worry. I have a video of Ojo freaking the heck out

*sends video*

Well what do we do?

                                       Meet us at the stronghold asap

Guppy 🐠
My parents left...

Fast Forward 🤪
We'll pick you up

*End of Texts*

Y/n: "Why did you take a video?"
R: "I know Wildcard too well."
I just laugh.
R: "Mom! Can you take us to the stronghold?"
RLF: "Yeah. You guys ate already right?"
Y/n, R, FF: "Yes!"
FF: "We have to hurry. We don't have much time until Ojo gets here."
RLF: "Ojo's coming back?! Must be a big mission."
We all go get in the car. We drive to Guppy's house and pick her up.
RLF: "Does your mom-"
G: "Know I'm coming. Yes she does."
I just laugh.
We normally don't have training today but today's different. I started to get a little scared cause the last time we went to space I risked my life. I got that memory very vividly.
(Memories are in bold now.)
I walk out towards the center of the tightrope. I was super nervous because I couldn't do it at the training grounds let alone here. I start to lose my balance but then I find my center point. I continue walking out onto the tightrope. I look around at everyone. I knew there was no going back now because I was here in the center and the aliens were on the ends of the tightrope. I look over at everyone else. I look at Rewind and he looks like he's about to cry.  I wave over to the aliens telling them they could come to me. This is when I came to my senses that if this didn't work....I'm gonna die. I look over at Noodles and tell him that it was ok to let go and drop me and the aliens. He let go and I started to free fall. As I fell I heard Rewind yell my name and look over the edge. I started to freak out but I calmed down. I closed my eyes and just fell...
R: "Y/n?! Y/n!"
I gasp for air.
Y/n: "Rewind!"
I hug him.
R: "Another memory?"
I just nod.
R: "It's gonna be ok. I'm right here."

Slick's Dojo
I'm back at it againnnnnn 🤪
Don't forget to vote 💞

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