Chapter 10

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R: "Come on. We have to save everyone."
I hop on his back.
Y/n: "Run dinosaur runnnn!"
R: "You're so childish but I love it."
He starts running.
~Time Skip~
We were walking in a now abandoned town. We caught a ride on a ship with some patrol officer. He dropped us off here saying this used to be the most populated area. I hear a cry for help.
R: "We have to look for them."
Y/n: "SHHH!"
I push him inside an old building that looks like it used to be a bar.
R: "What was that for?!"
Y/n: "Aliens! Remember when the guards said they never see any aliens on their night watch? They must come out in the day!"
He looks out the window.
R: "Uhhh!!"
R & Y/n: "Dang it!"
We hear the scream again.
Y/n: "It's getting dark."
I say walking around to behind the counter.
R: "We have to wait it out. When they go to sleep we'll search."
He says following me. I look at the ground and see glass. We hear an alien enter our building. We duck behind the counter and lean against it. I put my hand on some glass and it went in my hand. I wince in pain silently. Rewind looks at me and rewinds the time. This time I sit down without putting my hands on the glass. I pull my knees to my chest and duck my head. I feel warm arms around me. It made me  jump a little.
R: "It's just me..."
I can hear the aliens footsteps trail off. Eventually, I hear the front door close. I lift my head up and lean it back on the counter.
Y/n: "It's a lot Rewind..."
R: "I know but a wise person once said,'We have a planet to save.'"
Y/n: "Rewind, that was you."
R: "I got it from you."
I laugh.
R: "Anyways, look for the source of the scream."
Y/n: "You're right."
I close my eyes and start looking.
Y/n: "There's aliens everywhere."
I keep looking and the sound leads me to this shed. I'm about to open it until I started to head this loud ringing in my ears. Then.......d a r k n e s s.
I open my eyes.
R: "What?"
Y/n: "Nothing."
I close my eyes again and try and open the shed again. Once again I hear the ringing. D a r k n e s s. I open my eyes again and look at Rewind.
Y/n: "There's something interrupting my signals..."
I would go after Rewind, but I think it's best Y/n go. Since they didn't come back, we figured they just left to look. We caught a ride in the guard's ship. One by one everyone got off the ship. Guppy decided she wanted to go with A Capella and her group. That left me and Noodles by ourselves. We get dropped off in a town that I guess used to be the most populated area...

Slick's Dojo
I won an award at school and I don't know which one I got though. I get it today and I had to dress up and I just moved here so nobody knew what I look like dressed up and it awkward 🥲 I haven't gotten the award yet but soon.

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