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Nova's POV

Harry was sleeping next to me, snoring, his face scrunched up on the pillow making his lips plump. I ran my fingers through his unruly curls and pushed them back. I lightly scratched his head causing him to hum in the process. Then I placed my hand on his cheek, and my thumb ran below the skin of his eye. He woke up and I leaned  toward him, pressing a gentle kiss on his forehead. I was about to give another kiss but Harry placed his fingertips under my chin, nudging my chin upwards and placed his lips on mine.

“Whoa!” I woke up with a thudding heart.

It was a dammed  dream. I wiped  the beads of sweat on my forehead and turned to look at Harry sleeping next to me. To my surprise Harry was sleeping just like he was in my dream. I swiftly got down from the bed. Not wanting  to risk anything, but my stupid move woke Harry.

Let the show begin!

He opened his eyes after a few moments. After running them around my whole bedroom, he fixated his green wildness on me, and as always I was rooted to the spot.

His expression turned into amusement then realization and then shock. The last one made him sit up from his lying posture.

“Where am I? What are you doing here?” he panicked.

Drama King!

“Relax Harry. Ops, you can’t. I know. Vodka, right? You should’ve stick with one dragon baby” I surmised.

He scratched his scalp, pinched the bridge of his nose trying to recall last night’s events. I should help him, right?

“You were drunk last night and I rescued you.” I hinted, taking a sip of water.

“Did we have sex?”

I blew out the water I had been drinking and drowning into a coughing spree.

You lousy boy!

“What!” I shrieked. “You’re still intoxicated, Harold.” I went into the kitchen. I needed to hide my red cheeks.

“We didn’t?” he asked in half amusement “Then why were we in the same bed and why the hell am I half naked?”

He was definitely still drunk. I came back with lemon water.

“Drink it.”
He looked at it and then at my face.
“What is it?”

“Lemon water. Drink it, you’ll feel better.” I gave him the glass and our fingers touched.
Holy shit! His skin was burning. I touched his forehead.

“Harry! Your skin is so hot! You’re coming down with a fever!”

He just shrugged it off but I wasn’t about to . I hunt down the thermometer and ran back.

“What are you doing? Leave it.” he protested when I tried to check his fever,

“Harry it’s a thermometer, let me check!”

He took the thermometer from me and put it in his mouth, rolling his eyes.

Such a little dork!

The digits confirmed my doubts. He had  high fever. His eyes and nose were red already.

“It’s high fever, Harry. Now please listen to me and take some rest. It’s still early.” I pointed to the bedside clock which indicated 6 in the morning.

“Are we gonna cuddle?” he questioned leaning forward and raised one eyebrow. Which reminded  me that he still hadn’t taken the lemon water.

“Just finish this first. I’m coming back with some soup.” I rolled my eyes at him and got out of the room with a morning blush on my cheeks.

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