Warrior or Worrier?

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Nova's POV

Once I was confined in my small bedroom, no eyes to look at my reaction, I let all my emotions flow.
Fear, excitement, nervousness and then happiness. Joy that I entered the door of my dreams, joy that I met my idols and joy that I met the one I loved. And then disappointment followed. I couldn't allow myself to feel that way for Harry. Again. It was just a crush. I reminded myself. I was just a teenager back then. Now I'm a 22-year-old woman. And apart from that I'm going to be a part of the band. It would make everything harder.
I groaned. Why did these stupid feelings had to attack me now? I thought they were gone. Seeing him in front of my eyes and interacting with him, even though it was for a brief moment rekindled those feelings I've suppressed for a long time. But damn! he's so sexy, more attractive in real. I've to be very careful which means avoiding him. The way he behaves it would not be a hard task. I just have to keep my eyes on check.

"Hey, you're back! You know I saw someone just like you walking in pants yesterday. " Mike said pulling my ponytail loose.
I pulled my head off the table and slapped on his arm. Emily joined then.

"Jeez, Nova, you look at you. "

" I know. I couldn't sleep last night. " I replied her unspoken question with a yawn.
Only two classes and I was tired as hell. I slept on the cafeteria table before they arrived.

"So, what's the story? " she asked as she worked on her sandwich.

"C'mon Em, it's clear. She had a date with some CEOs. And he must have taken her out to show his entire office. That's why Nova is so bushed. Or did you do other physical activities? " Mike elaborated while chewing his burger.

Four figure in suits ran through my mind. Liam would definitely make a great CEO, Niall would too- the young billionaire and boy Louis would rock that. And then there's Harry Styles- the exact CEO which means the pompous one.
I stretched my hands in front me and smiled at my stupid thoughts.

"I wish I was that unlucky. Sexy CEOs doesn't seem so bad unless they're arrogant. "

"So it was a date then?" Emily asked again.

"Nope it wasn't. It was just an audition."
Hell of an audition

I tried to hold as much information as I could without lying. I had some agreement with the management that I couldn't share any information until they announce my position in the band.

"Too bad. I thought finally our Nova has climbed on the dating boat. " Mike laid back on his chair.

"Looked like a serious one. Did you make it? " Emily asked.

"Yeah I did. " I smiled. "But I need to go to work. Only the smell of Lara's cookies can wake me up. "

I stood from my seat and walked out of the cafeteria as both of them said goodbyes.
Lara's Goodies was only one block away from my college so I walked there. The midday sun and the gentle breeze was much needed. After that unexpected incident It wasn't possible for me to have sleep. My overthinking mind won last night. The sooner I reached Lara the quicker my irritating mind would stop.

"Heaven on earth! " I said as I pushed through the door and entered the tiny, dimly lit shop, inhaling the freshly baked goods.

"Hey there, kiddo. You're early today. Something's up?"
Lara came out of the back kitchen. She knew my sense of time so, early arrival meant I was in trouble.

"Nothing. Just decided to bless my nostrils."

She stood there hand on her waist making it clear that I wasn't going to convince her otherwise. Sighing in defeat I plopped on the chair. She joined me.

"I had an audition yesterday and it was pretty much BIG. "

"How did it go? "

"It was good. I made it. "

"That's great news. Why are you upset then"?

"Because it's quite big. Nothing I've expected. Not even in my wildest dream. " I rubbed my face with my hands.

"So you're too much excited or too much terrified? "

"Both. I don't even know if I could stick to it."

"Look dear, you should be thankful for the opportunity you're given. Don't ruin the journey before it has even started by overthinking it. Things happen. Just go with it, enjoy the process and see where it
takes you. If you don't like the final destination, then I'm always here with my three sons. " she winked.

"I know Lara and thanks for the reminder ."

"Now get to work worrier. "
she gave me a side hug and ran to the oven.

Once again I realized how lucky I was to have her in my life. Lara was an amazing person. Most importantly she knew me too well, she always had the words I needed to hear except for that she had three sons. She hadn't given up on convincing me to date one of her sons. But thank God they were in Texas. I hoped they were as amazing as her and what people said about southern gentleman. Most importantly nothing like their father who left them with nothing. Lara worked so hard to be where she was now. And that was an inspiration for me when I felt down that my parents weren't supportive of my dreams.
I had everything I needed in front of me. More than I thought. I just had to be brave enough to keep it. Right. It was time to be a warrior rather than a worrier.

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