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Nova's POV

“Earth to Nova!”

Lara jarred me for the third time that day. After the first day and my little ‘TALK’ with Harry I kept zoning out.

“Are you going to tell me what’s bothering you?”

Lara’s liquid brown eyes were filled with concern. But I wanted to figure it out myself. So I gave her the simple answer.
“It’s just a nerve wrecking day.”

She didn’t look convinced but didn’t press me either. She left me there as a couple entered the shop. The lady looked at the pastries trying to decide which one she wanted and the man just looked at her, his eyes filled with affection and adoration.
Eyes. How enthralling that peoples eyes could say so much more than their words.
But why couldn’t I read Harry’s eyes. Whenever I looked into his eyes all I felt is intimidated. There must be something wrong with my eye reading.

Or maybe you’re too scared you’d find out the harsh truth in his eyes.

My subconscious put its leg again on my thought. But I pushed her further back in my head.
I was not sure about my eyes but my sense of smell was exactly sensing the correct smell. Muffin burning!


I forgot the muffins were in the oven. I rushed to take them out forgetting to wear gloves all the while.

“Crap! Ow!”
I hissed in pain as the hot tray burned my hand. Lara ran to the kitchen.

“Jesus Christ! Are you trying to kill yourself!”

Lara held my hand under the faucet. The burning faded as the cold water touched my skin, but there was still the gnawing burn. Lara took care of it with some ice and then followed by some ointment and bandage. All the while her face remained irate.

“There’s something wrong. And you know you’re not gonna relax until you spill it out. I know you Nova.”

She muttered as she cleaned the crumbled muffin from the floor. I hugged my legs sitting on the couch.

"I'm trying so hard not to fall but I feel like my feet are being dragged ."

I mumbled after a while. Lara sat beside me on the couch, her hand on my back, her way of telling me to continue.

"I know it's not safe for me to fall. I'm not allowed to feel such things. It's out of my league . Yet, I can't get it out of my mind."

"Maybe you can't get it out of your mind because its supposed to be there.Whatever it is ,it’s meant to be in your life."
I contemplated Lara's words.

'Haven't he always been there ' my subconscious reminded me.

I sighed in defeat not wanting to say or think any further. When Lara realized I was done for tonight she stood up
"C'mon wiseass. Enough of this convo. I'll drop you at home. "

One of the greatest thing about Lara was she never hovered.

"Lara, my home is just five minutes away . I'm fine. "

" Just get in the car young lady. Don't play mature around me."

With that she went around the shop to close it. Well I wasn't going to get away so I obliged.
The drive to home was less than 5 minutes. It was silly to drive when your home and college is in walking distance. That's why I didn't get any car. Why would I need a car when I had only two friends and my socializing skills were not that impressive to make any.
Friends.  That reminded me, could I call 1D boys my friend? It had just been a day. Let's see how it goes.

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