"sawarasenai🥰kimi😸washojo👻na💅🏻 no ✨ bökù 🌸 🧚 yariçhiñ 🤴 bįcchī 😾 ńo 😩 osû"

We both stared at my phone in horror. I quickly answered and gave a nervous laugh to Genma

"Excuse me one minute-"

I turned around and walked a couple feet away

Minato: Y/N where are you?

Y/N: Still walking!?-

Minato: Come home, it's late- Hey give it back!

Madara: Hey fiance~

Y/N: I- wha?

Tobirama: Stupid Uchiha! Why would you call her that!?

Hashirama: Yeaa! Stop that

Minato: Give it-

I kept hearing bickering and decided to end the call

"Sorry, maybe I can invite you to ramen or something tomorrow?"


Genma smiled and left. After that, we would always hang out when Naruto was training and when I was on break, but he had left for a mission a while back

Flashback Ends

"I haven't seen you in a while! You never visit me anymore!"

I pull away while pouting and looking away

"Sorry, I had work to do"

He nervously scratched his head and looked away while pink started decorating his cheeks

"It's ok though! Atleast you're here!"

I hugged his waist as he chuckled and hugged me back. Another cough was heard but this was a whole coughing fit

"You guys ok?"

I kept my arms wrapped around Genma, but turned my head to the boys

"The exam is taking place soon"

I turned my head to the arena and my mouth hung open. It was big in the anime, but in person it was humongous!
Soon Gramps had introduced the competition and Genma turned to us

"I want you guys to take a good luck at this"

He showed us the paper and it was how the match ups had switched

"What the-"

I was going against whoever won the other rounds. I turned to them already looking at me

"Well uh, good luck to the all of you"

They hesitantly nodded as I gave them a reassuring smile. After a few minutes Genma finished explaining and we all headed upstairs

"Good Luck Naru, Neji"

I turned to Naru and enclosed him into a warm hug and I gave Neji a pat on the head and a tiny quick hug

"Wait up Shika!"

I jogged up to Shikamaru and as we were about to sit down, I saw Hinata, Kiba, Akamaru, Kotetsu and Izumo. I snuck up behind them and bonked them on the head

"Hey! Stop being so negative"

I plastered a fake mad face and looked at them with cold eyes


They both panicked and apologized

"It's fine *giggle* He's stronger than he looks. Hey Hina! Kiba! My baby Akamaru~"

They smiled at me and Akamaru jumped into my arms

"Awww my little babyy~"

3rd person's P.O.V

As Akamaru sat in Y/N's arms, Kiba was still processing what had been told

Soon the H/C haired girl gave them a quick hug and pat the head and left to the rest of the participants

Neji and Naruto stood in front of each other. They got into their stances and got ready


Naruto and Neji stood in place, a bead of sweat rolling down everyone's face as they watched

"This silence is intense"

The E/C eyed girl leaned into the railing as she crossed her arms infront of her chest. Naruto soon attacked Neji with Kunai knives

Neji blocked them with a Kunai as well and Naruto threw several punches and kicks towards Neji as he easily blocked them. After a while Naruto seemed to weaken a little as Neji hit some nerves
"Come on Naru!"

Y/N had yelled out due to Naruto being knocked down due to being hit on all chakra points. After Neji and told his story, he quickly placed his headband back on and attacked Naruto. He had fallen down and Neji started to walk away

"Man this is troublesome"

Y/N turned to see Shikamaru a little annoyed at how long it was taking and how stubborn Naruto was

"Just wait Shika, you'll see"

Soon enough Naruto started using Kurama's power. Everyone stood shocked as Neji and Naruto fought
Genma soon claimed Naruto the victor and everyone cheered


Shikamaru soon started complaining and the girl next to him chuckled

"You're still cool in my eyes Shika!"

She wrapped her arms around his waist and laughed as he stood a bit stiff
"You were reckless Naru!"

Y/N scolded Naruto but quickly hugged him

"You had me worried"

He hugged her back and apologized repeatedly. After a while the next round was still being postponed. Soon Naruto pushed Shikamaru and the next round began

"Come on Shika!"

"He never really had motivation....but maybe Y/N changed that"

Asuma looked at the H/C haired Kunoichi and smiled

"Come on Shika!"

Naruto and Y/N cheered the lazy boy on as he sat behind the tree. He put up a lazy smile as he heard the girls cheers. Soon the sun rose and his plan was in action

What am I going to do now?       NarutoVarious X OP Reader {ON-GOING}Where stories live. Discover now