🐠the one where they go to a party🦋/☄️?

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i have 1k reads. (As of starting to write this)




Like I think if this doesn't stop I'm gonna start growing an ego.

I really liked this one, and I enjoyed writing it a lot, so uhm...
Vote for me?👉👈only for me?🥺
I didn't know weather I would have called this lime or smut since they do sexual shit but the don't exactly fuck-

Prompt: any fanfic where they go to a party
Word count: 2969 (nice😏)

This will contain: blowjob, handjob

There's also some sweet sweet karlnapity😌

loud music blasted through the house as people - some drunk and some sober, danced, talked, or made out. it was your typical party. but George was not the typical partier. the only reason he had come here was because his best friend Dream had forced him, and so here he was standing by a wall awkardly holding his third cup of alcohol in his hand.

he stood there watching the other people who were deffinently more drunk than him mess around. Dream had left to go talk to other people a while ago so there wasn't really much to do. he debated on going home, since his house wasn't that long of a walk away, he could just text Dream so that he wouldn't be worried in the morning.

his thoughts were suddenly interrupted when he heard a familiar voice call out to him.



dream stumbled past the drunk people to get to George, falling a little into george making him crash into the wall and almost drop his drink. Dream grabbed onto his shoulders to steady himself before standing comepletly up. "sorry sorrry" he said brushing himself off. "its okay" george mumbeled looking down at his feet. "what?" Dream said. he obviously couldn't hear him through the loud music. George cleared his throat before looking up at the taller man and raising his voice, "i said its okay".

"oh okay, i was just wondering if you wanted to hang out with me and my other friends? i think were gonna be playing truth or dare, or spin the bottle or some shit" he said pointing his finger behind him.

"yea sure" He answered. dream grinned and George took a moment to look at him, any normal person would assume that he was completly sober, but George knew that he probably had a lot of alcohol. he just wasn't that different when drunk. the only things that would really change was his eyes, that seemed to get more drowsy. (they're also slightly bloodshot but bc greg is colorblind he cannot see).

Dream garbbed Georges wrist, breaking him out of his trance and dragging him along as he walked away from the party of the more quiet part of the house. when they entered a hallway dream let go and reached to open a door to his left. as it creaked open a room with what looked like 7 people was revealed.

Nick - him and Dreams friend, he was sitting on the floor, his back leaning against the bed with tho guys leaning on each side of him. one of them was Karl who George knew because he was Nicks friend, he had his head resting against Nicks chest fiddeling with his nails. on the other side was someone George could only recognise as Quackity, he knew that was just a nickname but his real name wouldn't come to mind. Quacity was leaning against Nicks shoulder seemingly almost alseep witch was suprising since he allways seemed to be very energetic.

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