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(important please read) Edit:

hi, I just wanted to specify something. I think the feminizing of George in this fandom like at all but especially in dnf is disgusting. A gay couple does not have to consist of one masculine and one feminine person. And therefore the fact that George is so often described and portrayed as overly feminine in most fanfiction (especially in smut) makes me sick. I am panromantic and non-binary, so in a way I am an nlm person but I am not best to speak on this topic I just want to let you know we're I stand. Now my point in all of this is that this one shot portrays George as feminine in ways, but with how I wrote it I intended for George to be an overall masculine person that just so happened to feel comfortable in a skirt, I wasn't trying to feminize him or try to perpetuate harmful stereotypes. If any mlm person is reading this: can I get some feedback? If it makes you uncomfortable what can I do better? Should I delete the oneshot or edit anything?

I've been thinking about this for a while and I wanted to let you know what the intention of the oneshot was

Prompt: (Dream lives an hour away from George in this one) George puts on a skirt takes some sexy pics and Dream decides to come over and they fuc

This will include:
Established relationship
Cross dressing
Praise kink
Use of the pet name puppy (bc be honest you either love or hate it)
Mentions of color system (green=keep going, yellow=slow down, and red=stop)

Word count: 3100 (holy shit that's a lot)


George was never the "typical gay" or whatever you call it. he never really brought up his sexuality unless needed, he wasn't very feminine, and never really had that type of "gay style". he would overall consider himself basically straight-passing. The only thing that made people know he is in fact a homosexual, is the fact that he has a boyfriend. And speaking of him, that was what was on his mind right now.

You see George was never a feminine guy, but... he kinda... did something. One night, while he was very sleep deprived, horny, and maybe just a tiny bit tipsy, he had bought something, that something being 3 skirts all different lengths and colors, and also a pair of black thigh-high socks. He had forgotten about the order completely until the package showed up at his door.

And that brings us to where he is now, a hoodie, (that he totally didn't steal from Dream) and sweatpants on as he stood in front of his bed looking at the skirts he had carefully placed out across it, while the thigh-highs were still located in the packaging.

He ran a hand over his face quietly groaning. It wouldn't hurt to try it on would it? He's never experimented with clothes before, and who knows? He might like it.

He decided on a light pink one. Sliding his pants off and cringing at the cold air of his room that made goosebumps spread out over his skin.

He had just shaved his legs yesterday, something he didn't tell a lot of people he did. It just made him feel more comfortable, and leg hair would often be itchy and he overall didn't like the feeling of it.

He grasped the skirt and put it on turning to his body-length mirror to see how he looked.

And he looked- well.... hot.

The skirt went down to the middle of his thighs. He pulled the oversized hoodie up his body with one of his hands, admiring the way the skirt fit on his hips and he adjusted it a little bit looking at how it perfectly transitioned onto his slender stomach.

Dnf/Karlnap(ity) OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now