🐠Is your bedroom ceiling bored?🌸

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Uhm so I realized that people are ACTUALLY reading these. Uhm... wtf
This is kinda my way of coping and I do not have any like uploading schedule so, sorry..? I just kinda write when I feel like it. When I have the ~vibe~
Anyways this is my way of saying


Prompt: it's basically just me hearing "is your bedroom ceiling bored?" And thinking abt dnf, so listen to the song if u want to! (It's really good and you'll know where the inspo is from)

Wordcount: 1082
(also this takes place before George said "i love you Dream" )

George was laying in bed again. he layed there thinking, staring up at his ceiling. what was he thinking about you ask?


the man that happened to be his best friend. and why was he thinking about his best friend?

because he had caught feelings.

it was so fucking unfair, and his heart ached at the thought.

It was late. last time he checked the time was 2am but he didn't really know how much time had passed since then.

It was dark and the air was cold just enough for the bedsheets he was curled up in to feel warm and comforting.

Lying on his bed late at night, mapping out the ceiling was a regular occurrence. He often found himself trapped inside the four white walls of his room thinking about everything, thinking about him.

His thought suddenly got interrupted by a noise from his phone. It made him jump, he hadn't heard a noise in a long time. He reached over and picked up the phone turning it on and wincing at the light.

blinking a few times to adjust his eyes, he glanced at the time


His eyes wandered down to see the thing that had broken him out of his trance.

A message

From Dream

His heart rate started to raise and his throat tightened. The person he had been thinking about for over 2 hours, was messaging him

He clicked on it using his fingerprint to unlock the phone revealing him and dreams last messages, and one new one



read 4:14

Oh ur awake, didn't think u'd be
Did I wake u?

George debated on wether he should lie or not. There was really no point in lying tho. Why would he? It's his best friend.

No ur fine
read 4:15

It's it like 4am for u
Everything ok?

I'm okay
Why'd you even message in the fist place?
read 4:16

Idk just wanted to talk to u
Wanna call?

delivered 4:16

George watched with tired eyes as the text under his message changed from delivered to read. And seconds after his phone began to vibrate in his hand and the screen showed that Dreamy was calling.

Dnf/Karlnap(ity) OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now