"How about you two take a picture together" Maggie said

"What?" Daisy said

"Yeah, it'd be cute, come on get close"

"No we don't have too" she turned to look at Paul "I'm sorry about her she's just-" Daisy turned to glare at Maggie while she just shrugged.

"Don't worry about it, I don't mind" Paul said getting close to Daisy for a picture.

Daisy turned to look at him and whispered "I am a huge fan of Ant-Man, this is why she's acting like this"

"Oh I see" he chuckled "always nice to meet a fan"

"Yeah" she said then turned to Maggie "are you not done yet"

"Almost" she said taking a couple more pictures "alright done" she smiled then looked through them

"You know you two should really play father and daughter duo in a movie" she winked

Paul turned to look at Daisy "you're an actress?"

Daisy shook her head

Maggie laughed "as if you didn't know Mr. Rudd"

"I didn't?"

The trio heard a cough and turned to see Daisy's actual father standing there with his arms crossed "what is going on?" Carter said

"I was just explaining how good a father and daughter duo these two would make" Maggie said "don't you agree Mr. Stevens?"

Carter looked at Daisy with a raised eyebrow "sure" he said "come on Paul let's go to my office" he said

"Alright" Paul said then followed Daisy's father to his desk.

Daisy turned to look at Maggie "I can't believe you just did that"

"What?" Maggie said "I didn't nothing wrong"

"You could of blew the cover"

"I was very subtle about it"

"Mhmm, yeah you were" Daisy said then grabbed the rest of the documents heading back to her desk.

When Daisy sat at her desk she got a notification that Charlie had just made a post on his Instagram.

She opened her phone up and went on Instagram to see that he had posted a cover. Daisy took out with head phones and plugged them into her phone. She played the video to see that Charlie was singing 'ghost of you' by 5SOS.

Not even a minute into the video and Daisy already felt herself tearing up. Just the way that he sings makes your stomach melt. He really did have a voice like an angel.

Daisy sighed when the video was over, but at least it wasn't going to go anywhere she will always be able to play it. She decided to do something buzzard for her and send him a quick 'hi' to show that she thinks about him even if he might not think about her.

Daisy took off her headphone as Maggie walked into the room "what upset your daddy didn't talk to you longer?"

Daisy shook her head and sighed putting her phone away getting back to work.

Minutes later Daisy felt her phone buzz on her desk. Without looking at the Caller ID, she answered it. "Hello, this is Daisy how my I help you?"

She heard a familiar voice laugh "is that how you answer all your calls?"

"Charlie?" Daisy said in an excited tone.

"The one and only"

"I'm pretty sure there's other Charlie's out there"

"Yeah, but I'm your Charlie.... your only Charlie"

Daisy blushed "yeah, that you are" she said "how's shooting going?"

"Really great" he said "how's work?"

"It's good" she bit on her lip a little bit knowing if she should bring up the fact that she was fired.

"I'm glad to see your back at work though, Owen told me about you know, Heather firing you and I'm glad Heather listened and gave it back to you"

"Yeah me too, honestly I was a bit surprised but I guess he does care for me after all"

"Yeah he does" Charlie said

"What?" She laughed and shook her head "anyway I just saw your cover... it was amazing"

"Thank you, I've seen a lot of requests for that song and had to sing it"

"Glad you did"

"Any more song recommendations?" Charlie asked

"At the moment, no" she said "but when it comes to mind I'll let you know"

"So you're not going to say a thank you then?" Charlie said

"Thank you to what?"

"The person who got you your job back?"

"I did..." she raised an eyebrow

"What? When?" Charlie asked

"Well, I didn't say a thank you, but I put a cup of coffee on his desk?"

"You gave him coffee?"

"Yeah... why?"

"Just wondering.... anyway I gotta go, talk to you later alright?"

"Sounds good... bye" she said hanging up the phone.

Daisy looked up at Maggie to see that she was to busy focused on what she was typing to even pay attention to Daisy conversation with Charlie.

Paul Rudd walked into the office moments later and walked over to Daisy's desk handing her a sticky note and left without saying a word.

Daisy looked at the sticky note to see that it read

Always excited to meet a fan, since I don't have anything to sign a sticky note will do for now.. until next time - Paul Rudd

Daisy smiled at the note, how thoughtful of him.

"Oh my god" Maggie said

Daisy looked up at her "what?"

"What did he give you?" She said

"Uh" Daisy looked down at the note "something personal, you know family matters"

"Right of course" she said smiling going back to work.

Daisy chuckled and thought 'Maggie is so easily to fool' the went back to work.

AN// dw guys Charlie will be featured a lot more in upcoming chapters!!

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