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Chapter 5-Girlfriend?

Furuya Rei or we can say Bourbon or the person from the Poirot Café Amuro Tooru, has this mysterious aura. Even Conan/Shinichi sometimes gets confused. But he trusts Furuya Rei. And most probably that's the reason he wants Rei to protect Haibara/Shiho.

Conan is now sitting in the Poirot Café talking with Amuro. Fortunately, Azusa-san was on a holiday and the café had opened just a few minutes ago, so both of them were alone.

"So, you want me to protect her, really?" Amuro asked Conan for the 5th time now.

"I have already said it for a few times now, Amuro-san!" Conan sighed.

"Yeah! But she is not a 7-year-old kid anymore, neither are you. You are always with her so why can't you do that?" he asked cleaning the utensils.

"I know we both are now grown up. As Shinichi and Shiho as well as Conan and Ai. But there are some things that even I can't do and protecting Haibara is one of them. Not only Haibara but also Ran. I don't know how can I protect her." He said trying to explain him.

"But why did you ask me? Why not that Subaru guy?" Amuro smirked as he kept on questioning him.

"Amuro-san, you know about Subaru-san, right?" Conan asked understanding his smirk.

"Well, do you think you can hide everything from me, great detective-san?" Amuro winked.

"Just tell me will you protect Haibara or not?" Conan asked him again and let out a sigh.

"Okay, fine I will do it! Do I have to be with her always?" he agreed.

"It's up to you, how you are going to protect her is totally your own problem." Now it was Conan who smirked.

"You brat! I thought you have made any plan!" Amuro let out a sigh.

"Thanks, Amuro-san! I owe you one! I need to go now. See you later!" Conan got up from the chair and left the café leaving a slightly irritated Amuro behind.

Amuro decided to focus on the work at hand rather than focusing on something that was difficult for now.

Eventually, he stopped thinking about it as the customers came into the café.

"Amuro-san, Azusa-san! Konnichiwa (Hello)!" greeted a cheerful but now adult Suzuki Sonoka as she entered with her friends, Mouri Ran and Sera Masumi.

"It's been a while!" Amuro smiled cheerfully.

"It's really been a while!" Sera smiled back as they stood in front of Amuro and Azusa.

"Sorry for not being able to come for your marriage ceremony Azusa-san!" Sonoko apologized.

"It's okay! You have a lot of work! Besides, Ran-chan had told me you had to go on a sudden business trip." Azusa, who was now married said to Sonoko.

"Ran showed me your photos, your couple looked very perfect!" she praised her. "Here's is a gift for you!" Sonoko said giving Azusa-san a bag.

"Thank you very much Sonoko-chan!" she gladly accepted the gift.

"When are you getting married Amuro-san?" Sonoko asked Amuro who was busy making something.

"Me?" he looked at the trio with a question mark on his face. "I don't think I will ever marry!" he sheepishly laughed.

"Is it okay? Don't you have someone you love?" Ran asked him.

"Someone I love?" he smirked and then chuckled. "I don't!"

"Ignore him! He isn't serious about these things." Azusa asked them to ignore him.

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