Zero's Past

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Chapter 6: Zero's Past

"Why are we here at your apartment?" Shiho asked Amuro annoyed as she wasn't getting any answers to her questions.

"I need to pack some of my things." He replied calmly putting a few shirts in a bag.

"And why we need that?" she asked.

"These things are important for living you know!" he answered smiling looking at her.

"You live here, why are you packing it then?" she was still annoyed.

"Because we will be living together. So, wherever we are going to live, I need these!" he stood in front of her holding his toothbrush and other few things in his hands. "Moreover, you ask a lot of questions, Hell Angel's Daughter!" he grinned and turned to pack his bag again.

Shiho let out a sigh but she realized that he had called her Hell Angel's Daughter before.

"What's about this Hell Angel's Daughter? Why are you calling me that? Why are we going to live together?" she sat on the chair nearby her expressions saying that she was shocked hearing that he is going to live with her.

Amuro stopped what he was doing. He was still not ready to tell her everything. He then resumed packing his stuff.

"Come one! I will reply to your every question but now we need to leave." He zipped up the bag and they both left his apartment.

Somewhere in Tokyo, a person with glasses and a suit was standing leaning on his car waiting for somebody. In a few seconds, a white Mazda RX-7 came and stopped in front of the person. Furuya/Amuro got off from the car and walked towards the man in glasses.

"Here's the address of the house and keys Furuya-san." the man in glasses handled him a bunch of keys. "I have already kept the necessary things you asked for in the house."

"Arigatou Kazami! How is the house by the way?" Furuya took the keys and the note on which the address was written on asking his subordinate from PSB about the house he and Shiho were going to live in.

"It is in good condition. It is kind of an old Japanese style house but." He replied.

"No problem! Thank you. You can go now before someone sees us and yes, for a few days don't contact me." Furuya told him to take some measures.

"Hai!" he bowed and left.

Furuya sat back in his car and rode towards their destination. In about 20 minutes, they reached. He parked his car and both of them got out of it. It was quiet area. They were standing in front of a Japanese style house. It had a good front yard. A lot of plants were grown but they were dried out because no one took care of them. He opened the gate and started walking. Shiho quietly followed him. Even though she was calm, she was still annoyed by him. Rei/Amuro unlocked the door and they went inside. There was lot of dust and they immediately needed to clean the house.

He saw a box and few plastic bags in which there were a few groceries and other necessary stuff for cooking and cleaning.

"Are you going to tell me what's going on?" finally Shiho broke her silence making him turn towards her.

"Before that, I am going to clean this place. You need to rest." He made her seat on a chair nearby.

It was good that the furniture and all were covered properly so it was not dusty. He removed his suit and vest and started cleaning. Shiho just sighed and closed her eyes. She was too tired to argue with this man. Rei started cleaning the inner room first so she could rest on the bed properly.

After he was done. He came back in the front room and saw Shiho sleeping resting her head on the table. He gently picked her up in his arms and laid her on the bed in the other room.

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