Always Here for You

Start from the beginning

Several men started stepping out from the van as they were holding something behind them. You managed to send your last message to her before throwing your phone beside you.

 You managed to send your last message to her before throwing your phone beside you

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You immediately docked after noticing them pointing their firearms on your car. Is it your time?

Loud bashing noises were heard as glass shards started raining over your. Slight noises were heard firing from outside, presumably they were using silencers. You were closing your eyes, hoping someone would rescue you. But you realized, only you, could save yourself from this chaos. They kept firing at you, probably they really wanted you to die. You came up with an idea, for sure they would be emptying their mags at you, and it's impossible for them to not reload.

As you heard their guns cock out, you immediately switched your gear to 1 and hardly pushed the throttle, your car revved up loudly as it skidded down the road quickly. You heard a loud thump on the front and gave a hard shake around inside. Perhaps, you rammed into something.

You didn't cared it at all, they were killers and they deserved to be hurt, if incase you had rammed into one of them. All the time, Fear and anxiousness covered up throughout your body, your legs were slightly shaking, somehow it's your very first time to encounter this kinds of scenario. Actually Near-Death scenarios. You were emotionless, and you don't really know what to express right now.

You looked up into your phone, which was slightly covered with cracks, and found 3 missed calls from Tiff. You started to feel dizzy as you were making your way into her house, your vision starts to get blurry and blurry, until such time, everything appeared black, seeing nothing but emptiness



"bang-geum il-eonan il~~~" Distant voices were heard inside you, it was a voice of a woman, who sounded really worried.

You had your consciousness back as you slowly opened your eyes, seeing a bright, ceiling light facing upon you. You started to gain your awareness around your surroundings, realizing that you were lying down in a soft cushioned bed inside a cold, vast bedroom.

 You started to gain your awareness around your surroundings, realizing that you were lying down in a soft cushioned bed inside a cold, vast bedroom

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