"Mom you need to move aside if you don't wanna see two half naked teenagers in your room." I shout.

My mom bangs the door and says "Come out fast, I need to talk to the both of you."
I know what you wanna talk about mother, it can wait.

We both quickly dress up, eat our breakfast, tell her we don't have time to talk and rush to school. Together.

Nobody cares about Isaac. Half of them didn't even know who he was. He has disappeared into thin air for all they care.

It's sad that his daddy is gone too. Irrelevant motherfuckers.


As much as I dread going to school with this angel right next to me, I know that I also give two shits about what people think.

Ace grunts when someone tells me my phone was going to fall out of back pocket. Classic and hilarious.

"Aren't you just a ball of sunshine, today?"

He pushes me inside my Economics class and walks away.

Here I thought, I would at least get a goodbye kiss. I sulk, go inside and sit on the last bench. When did Zain join my class?

We both talk a little and he tries to make me laugh, walking out together, we safely keep our distance knowing Ace would bash our heads if we came any closer than two inches.

The devil comes behind me, pulls me into a deserted classroom, making a show of kissing my lips. He pushes me on a table face down and puts a hand under my skirt. He tugs down my panties with one hand while the other muffles my face.

He finally takes his hand out and tells me to shut up before I even say a word.

"Who do you fucking think you are?" I say as I try pushing his chest away. Emphasis on try.

He is up for a big shock if he thinks he can talk to me like that.

"Apologise" He whispers.

"Fuck off"

I am bend down on my chest as his entire body envelopes me. He presses his hard on into my butt, making my insides tingle.

"Apologise" He presses.

"For what?" I ask.

"Apologise for not being mine when you should've been. Because Star, baby..." he tilts his head into my neck. "It was always fucking us and you know it."

His phone rings before I can reply. It rings consistently and I finally take it out of his back pocket.

It's his butler.

He picks up the phone and roars "What"

His face goes pale when he hears what the person said on the other end.

"What happened?" I ask

He just stares at me and then punches the wall. I look at him like he has gone mad.


"Mom's dead." he says, shrugs his shoulders and walks out of the room. I stare at his back in horror.

Sia is dead.
Sia is dead.
Sia is dead.

He gets a pass from school and walks out immediately. I tell them I need to be there with him to comfort him. They look at me suspiciously but I could care less.

I walk behind me quietly. I just can't shake out a nagging feeling.

He opens his car door and before sitting, gazes at me.

He looks like a beautiful greek god. He looks like Apollo and Aphrodite just had a son who is twice more magnificent than them.

His eyes are black, nonchalant as he dares me to get inside the car with him. I sit inside anyway. He drives at the maximum speed and I show no emotion. My insides our tumbling with chaos but I know this isn't the worst we have been through. But if life is gonna be a bitch like this better end it. I, for sure, am not gonna be a coward and end it myself. If this is the way it would happen, I am happy, I just don't want the glass to stick to my body if we crash. Also I wanna die instantly and not leak around blood everywhere I go cause that's gross.

The car comes to a sudden halt. Before my entire body jerks forward, he puts his hand on my stomach. Like always.

He gets out of the car and opens my door pulling me outside. We are on a deserted road and all I can see are trees.

"Ask me what you want to ask, Alizeh." He says.

I push him away and lean on his dashboard. Surprisingly, he doesn't burn me alive for that.

"Did you do it?" I finally get it out.

He cocks his eyebrow. "Kill her, I mean." I say.

"Why do you think I killed her?"

I stare at him in utmost disbelief. Is he not gonna deny it?

He isn't even offended, he is acting like I asked him if he killed a bug on his clothes.

"Is it because of what she said to me?"

His eyes whip in my direction. "What did she say to you?"

His body leans on mine as he says "Out with it. Right now."

I gulp. "She asked me to leave three weeks back. She had even booked my flight tickets."

He grits his jaw. "What did you say?"

"I didn't reply, just told her to wait for me." I mutter.

"So my little Star was ready to run away again?" He nuzzels his nose on my face, mockingly. I push him away and ask him "You did it, didn't you?"

"What if I did, what are you gonna do, baby?" He spits out the word.

I stare at him unbelievably. I hit his chest and threaten him.

"I will break up with you, I promise you will never see my face."

He laughs and whispers into my ear.

"I ache to see your flesh bleed

scream for me

give me what I need

let the rivers run

the monster inside has won"

He walks towards his car. I follow him and push him towards the car door.

"You are becoming berserk. The number of people you have killed for me is......insane. Am I making you like that?" I whisper.

He smiles at me and tucks my hair into my ears, kissing my forehead. "I have always been crazy when it comes to you baby. You just noticed the extent today."

"You didn't do it, did you?"

"Why are you asking questions you know the answer to?"

"Can anything ever be simple for you?" I ask.

"Can you stop trying to deviate my mind from him? I am fine, your drama isn't helping anyway. Delaying something, doesn't remove it completely baby."

Ugh. I hate how he knows me better than I know myself.

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