PT6: Takeover

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Y/N, Sam and Bucky knew they needed stop Walker

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Y/N, Sam and Bucky knew they needed stop Walker. They had to. He was untethered and wasn't thinking straight. They watched as he ran off from the crowd and into an abandoned warehouse, they started after him. They picked up their pace and Sam flew overhead. "I have eyes on Walker. The warehouse to the left." Sam said as he swooped down to ground level. Y/N fell into her old training from when she was sent to train with an ex MI6 agent by Natasha.

She spent a year with Albert Brown, previously known as agent 316, on the Scottish island of Hirta an isolated tiny island only 2km across. She spent her time there with just Albert, and occasionally a woman named Sandra would arrive from the mainland with two week long supplies that lasted for the two of them other than what they had from the island. He taught her everything she needed to know to be stealthy. She spent the year learning things that she would need as a spy. She practiced using different guns, how to scale the side of a cliff, swim in harsh weather conditions and how to creep up on someone without them knowing. She was only 13 at the time. The hardest thing he taught her was how to kill someone without them even knowing that you were there. After 9 months, she could do it. By the time the year with Albert was up, she didn't want to leave. The tranquillity of the island made her feel safe. She would visit him every year for two weeks, where she would show him anything new that she had learnt in the past year and tell him all about the fights she had got herself into as an Avenger. He was in his 40s when she trained with him, so now he was in his late 50s, and he still lived on the island alone.

She turned the corner of the warehouse and held her gun poised ready for her to shoot at Walker if she needed to. Sam and Bucky had already made it clear that she was not to kill him unless they absolutely needed too. Sam and Bucky walked into the centre of the room, making themselves know to John. Y/N hung back, lurking in the shadows. Sam and Bucky had told her she was to stay back until they needed her. John sat crouched, holding desperately onto the shield in the middle of the empty warehouse. He looked up to Bucky and Sam. "Walker"

"You guys should see a medic. You don't look so good."

"Stop Walker"

"What?" You saw what happened. You know what I had to do. I killed him because I had to! He killed Lemar!"

"He didn't kill Lemar, John"

Y/N moved slowly through the shadows, waiting for Sam's go ahead. She kept her gun up and stepped forward slightly. Bucky and Sam tried to convince Walker to give up the shield, but alas, there was no luck.

"You gotta give me the shield, man"
"Oh, so that's what this is. You almost got me."

Y/N sighed and rolled her eyes. She knew then for sure that John would never give up the shield. He couldn't. She watched as a fight broke out between the three of them. She wanted to join but Sam was yet to give her the go ahead. She adjusted the grip of her gun; her breathing began to get heavier and faster. She watched as John threw the shield and Bucky, launching him backwards into a rusted metal forklift. That's when Y/N broke free from the shadows. She launched at John, wrapping her legs around his torso from behind and grabbing his neck with her hands, pulling backwards. He struggled and grasped at her hands and legs. She had him stuck. All she needed now was Sam or Bucky to grab his hands down. But they were led down, slowly getting up. John reached up at Y/N's head and began to push his thumb into her eye. She yelped and released him from her grip. John quickly turned around and picked her up over his head and threw her at the metal columns, just like Karli did to Lemar. Thankfully, Y/N's amplified healing and strength meant that she wasn't permanently hurt, just winded. She led on the floor as she watched through blurry vision John and Sam fighting each other, then Bucky joining in.

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