OS: After Ultron

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Y/N was away from the avengers during Ultron's uprising. She did, however, join them at the end of the battle. She drove up to the Avenger's Facility on her bike. She parked up front and walked in. She pushed open the doors to the training room. She saw Rhodey stood in his suit and she nodded her head at him in a greeting manner with a small smile. She heard voice coming down the corridor.

"They're good. They're not a team" came a masculine voice.

"Let's beat them into shape" replied a female voice.

The doors swung open, and Steve and Nat entered the room. Rhodey's mask lifted, Vision turned to look at them, Sam flew down to the floor, Wanda floated down to the ground and Y/N cocked her head to the side with a smile and a small half-hearted wave.



Again, a very short one. These are just for a background to Y/N  :)

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