OS: The Fallout

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Y/N remembered the final fight. She remembered Tony's snap. She remembered the grief. She remembered the funeral. She remembered stood with Hulk-Bruce. She remembered their talk. They both lost someone important to them.

Three weeks after she blipped back, Wanda went missing. She helped find her but S.W.O.R.D. commanded her to stand down. She didn't want to, but after everything that had happened in the last three weeks, she didn't have enough energy to fight it. Instead she moved to New York.

Nat being gone was strange for Y/N. She felt lost for a while. It wasn't as bad as she expected it would be. She presumed it didn't affect her as much because she hadn't seen her for a while prior to Wakanda. She checked in with Bruce often. She would work with him in his lab to keep him company. She would ask him for coffee to check in with him. After four or five months, Bruce told her he was okay. He told her to stop worrying about her. "I appreciate that you care about me and my well-being Y/N, but you need to get your own life. You're twenty-four and all you seem to do is work and check in on me. Stop stressing over me and find something you enjoy. Please."

After Bruce told her to stop checking with him, she did. She went to therapy for a while. That's where she bumped into Bucky again. For the first time since Wakanda.


"Oh, hi Y/N"

"What are you doing here?"

"Therapy. Conditional for my pardon. You?"

"Same. Except not conditional, I decided I should. You know; get everything sorted out after, well, you know"

Bucky nodded understandingly. They stared at each other for a while in silence until Y/N broke it.

"If you ever need anything, here's my number" She pulled out her notepad and wrote her number on the paper, clicking her pen as she folded up the paper and passed it to him.

"And pop by my apartment whenever, if I'm not on a mission, I'm there." She flashed him a smile and patted his arm as she left the offices.

After a month and a half of therapy, she had come to a conclusion on the things she couldn't quite work out.

-She didn't enjoy staying in one place at one time because the last time she was alone in one place was when S.H.I.E.L.D. had her captive when they were trying to work out what happened to her and her father. She never wanted to relive that ever again

-She struggled with feeling grief for Nat and Steve and Tony because she felt like it was a weakness. This revelation caused her to learn to grieve, and she felt it set her free

-She also discovered that she enjoyed the feeling of helping people, so she began to volunteer in different places.

She was glad she had come to a conclusion. She stopped going, but told her therapist if she felt she needed help, she would come straight to her. Which was true. She would.


I think this is the last Origin Story part I'll write, so the next part is the "Change" story <3

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