"So we're doing the silent treatment thing now? Well that's just fucking awesome, Vanessa" he snapped as he threw the rag onto the counter in frustration.

I knew that Tommy hated the silent treatment, it drove him nuts, but that's exactly why I wouldn't do that to him. Even though he drove me crazy, I adored him and I'd never do something that would hurt him like that.

"I'm not giving you the silent treatment" I muttered as I cleaned up the sink and got rid of the dirty water.

"I'm trying to talk to you and you're ignoring me... is that not the fucking silent treatment?" He yelled.

I spun around on my heels and glared at him with my hand on my hip and I rested my other hand on the counter. "What do you want me to say Tommy? Because anything I say or do lately just seems to piss you off! If you're mad at me for whatever reason then fine, but I don't see why you can't still give a shit about your child!" I snapped back at him as I took off my Merry golds and threw them onto the counter.

"What the fuck are you talking about!?" He yelled as he raised his voice even more and put his arms out, squinting his eyes at me.

"You don't ask about her, you don't put your hand on my bump anymore, you haven't listened to her heartbeat in weeks when you wouldn't even put that God Damn teddy down for a month! Tommy you didn't even care when I said I could feel her moving!" I screamed.

"That's not true and don't fucking talk to me like that" he shouted over me as he pointed his finger at me.

I fucking despised being pointed at. It was just such a rude thing to do and it was one of my biggest pet hates.

"DONT fucking point at me" I yelled as I slapped his finger away from me with the back of my hand and went to argue back, but as I opened my mouth and took a deep breath to start ranting, I felt Tommy's hand slap me across my cheek.

My jaw dropped and my eyes widened as I instantly covered my cheek and temple with my palm. The whole side of my face was tingling. I looked up, brushing the hair, that was glued to my face with tears, out of the way and saw Tommy react the same way as I did.

"Baby, I'm so..." he reached out to pull me into him.

"Get away from me" I whispered as I moved back and pushed him away from me.

"Vanessa, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to do that" he said as he covered his mouth with his hands.

We were both completely stunned, neither of us knew what to do or what to say. I turned around and started walking towards the door. I grabbed the car keys from the little bowl on the coffee table but as I stood up, Tommy was behind me.

"Vanessa, please don't go..." he said as he grabbed my arm. He was squeezing it and tried to pull me closer to him.

"Tommy let go of me!" I said as I tried to push his hand away from me but the words I was saying, weren't registering in his mind. It's like he was in some kind of trance but I could feel my arm almost at the point of breaking. "Tommy! You're hurting me!" I screamed as I slapped his chest and tried to dig my nails underneath his hand.

He finally let go and he looked at me with an expression that just shattered my heart, but I knew I couldn't stay. I walked towards the door and as I opened it, Nikki was standing there.

"What the fuck is going on!?" He said sternly as he looked at me and then at Tommy, looking back down at my face.

"Nothing" I sighed.

He placed his finger and thumb on my chin and tilted my head up. His eyes widened and then he looked up at Tommy, glaring at him.

"Did you fucking hit her!?" He yelled. He sounded pissed off but completely shocked. I think we all were. Tommy was all love, all the time.

Dishing The Dirt: Tommy Lee • Mötley Crüe •Where stories live. Discover now