Chapter Forty Seven

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Harry just glowered, but Voldemort took that as enough of a response.  

"They've come across a wonderful little prophecy which to begin with I was certain was about you and I." 

He looked as if he was going to carry on, but at that moment two figures were thrown through the watery barrier at the entrance to the courtroom. Harry didn't think his heart could sink further, but it did. Hermione and Draco lay panting and bound on the floor as Lucius strode through the waters, which were already lowered to just below the door frame. He dried himself with the flick of a wand, but left his son and Hermione to drip. 

The blonde woman who Harry now knew to be Draco's mother Narcissa cried out but stayed stood where she was, near the back of the room. No one held her there, but Harry had the feeling there would be several people ready to stop her if she tried to get in Lucius', or more importantly Lord Voldemort's, way. 

"Ah!" said Voldemort. "Excellent work Lucius." 

"Thank you my Lord," he said stiffly. He looked especially irked, and his eyes kept flicking towards his son. Harry's insides squirmed uneasily. 

"I was just telling young Potter here about the prophecy," then he laughed, as if someone had delivered a punch line. "I do apologise," he said, addressing his followers before looking once again to Harry. "I mean of course Potter, the elder. You are not the youngest of your family anymore." 

Harry pulled against the men restraining him but they didn't budge. "If you're talking about the prophecy," he growled instead. "That says I'm the heir of Gryffindor, and you the heir of Slytherin, then I'm way ahead of you, it's old news." 

Voldemort stared at Harry, and he quickly wished he'd kept his mouth shut. It obviously wasn't the same prophecy. "Well," said the Dark Lord. "Well, well. That is interesting. I take it you learnt that on you little trip last year." Harry said nothing, but Voldemort looked pleased anyway. 

"Trixy?" he called out. "Would you be so kind?" 

One of the robed figures stepped out of the crowd, and lowered her hood once she reached the central well. She was a spindly, willowy girl, who could have been any age between fifteen and forty, Harry just couldn't tell. Her blonde, wavy hair was thin and hung limply beside her long, vacant face. She was staring into the middle distance, as if she couldn't see a single other person in the room. 

"He who misplaces himself," she began reciting in a trembling voice. "Shall hold the key, and he shall bring light and power and control to all he sees, all he can imagine. And with great force and acumen he will be the instrument of unity, and the king of all will rule." 

Once she was done she lifted her hood once again, then melted back into the throng. 

"Ah," said Harry. "That's not the one I heard." 

"But you see the problem don't you?" asked Voldemort, as if he were teaching a class at Hogwarts. "When my visionaries relayed this prophecy, and we confirmed with the Ministry's prophecy catalogue that it had come into effect now, this very day, I assumed it had to be you. You were the one who travelled across the boundaries of the worlds last year. But're still you, aren't you? You haven't swapped, this is your world." He folded his hands together. "Your sister on the other hand-" 

"How did you know that?" snapped Draco, struggling to sit upright. "How did you know Harry crossed over last year." 

"Be quiet," hissed Lucius, aiming a kick at him and earning another whine from Narcissa, but Voldemort held up his hand. 

"I know a great deal Master Malfoy," he said, looking at the boy curiously. Harry begged Draco to shut up before Voldemort tortured him and Hermione like he'd already done to Ron. "But your question goes someway to confirming it further for me. How, may I ask, do you know Potter left this reality for another?" 

The Dream Trilogy Book Two: Tread On My Dreams (A Harry Potter FanFiction)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora