“Hey Anne, how was your night?” She asked causing her to jump.

“God Lexi, you scared the crap out of me.” Lexi laughed at her.

“Sorry.” She reached over Anne, grabbed a tray, and started piling it with bacon, eggs, and pancakes. After grabbing a drink they headed to the far corner of the cafeteria, where there was a vacant table, and started eating.

“So, did you sleep alright?” Lexi asked, taking a bite of bacon.

“Yeah, it was hard getting to sleep at first. It felt strange, being back here.” Lexi watched as Anne moved her food around on her plate.

“Hey, what’s up, why aren’t you eating?” She asked concerned. Anne let out a big sigh.

“I don’t know. I just don’t like being back here, I don’t feel safe, and I feel like I’m being watched all the time.” Lexi reached over and placed her hand on Anne’s.

“Hey it’s ok. I’m here and I won’t let anything happen to you.” She watched a small smile appeared on Anne’s face. “Tell you what, why don’t I sneak up to your room crash there for the night? Will that make you feel better?”

“I can’t ask you to that; you’re going to be working your butt off all day today.”

“Pfft! Nothing I can’t handle. So it’s settled, I’m crashing in your room tonight.”

“Thanks Lexi.”

“Hey, what are friends for.” Anne stood up.

“Well I better get going to class.” She said with a big sigh.

“Oh come on, it can’t be that bad. At least you get to sit down all day.” Lexi said trying to cheer her up.

“Yeah I guess you’re right,” she gave Lexi a little wave; “I’ll see you later, ok?” Lexi waved back.

“You sure will. Oh, I will have to tell you about my new trainer!” She said wiggling her eyebrows. That at least got Anne to laugh.

“You’re terrible Lex,” she said before walking off.

Lexi looked down at her plate and picked up another piece of bacon, she heard a chair beside her scrap on the floor. She looked over to see her ex-boyfriend sitting down next to her. Great, she thought.

“Hey Lexi, baby, am I glad you’re finally back!” He said throwing his arm around her, she removed it.

“Oh yeah, and why is that Tray? If I recall I dumped your sorry ass before I left.” He pouted at her.

“Don’t be like that baby, you know you missed me.” She laughed.

“Yeah right Tray.” Standing from her seat she started to walk away, but he grabbed her arm and pulled her so she was sitting in his lap.

“Baby, I know you want me.” He started kissing her along her jaw.

“Let go Tray!” She yelled, she scrunched her face up in disgust and tried to push him away.

“No, I know you don’t really want me too.” Lexi yanked her arm out of his hold and faced him.

“Touch me again you creeper, and it will be the last thing you ever do. Got it?” Hoping he took her warning seriously, she stood up from his lap only to be pulled back down.

“Right, I warned you.” Before he got the chance to do anything, she punched him on the side of the face. He stood up quickly, throwing her to the floor.

“You bitch! You’re going to be sorry for that!” She quickly got up off the floor and stood, ready for a fight.

“What’s going on here?” Chase demanded, walking up behind Lexi.

“She just punched me!” Tray said rubbing his face.

Lexi snorted.

“I warned you what I would do if you ever touched me again.” She shrugged her shoulders and looked at Chase, “it’s not my fault he didn’t listen.” Chase glared at Tray.

“Why were you touching her?” Tray looked at Chase in disbelief.

“Come on man, she wanted me too. She’s always playing hard to get but she really wants it.” He winked at her, the punch in the face long forgotten “Don’t you babe.” Anger and disgust started to boil up in her.

“I am not your babe!” Clenching her jaw together, she tried to hold her anger in. Her body began to shake as her wolf started to push forward, wanting her to change forms. She closed her eyes which no doubt were shinning a bright green as her wolf looked out of them.

“Look, Tray, is it?” Chase asked.

“Yeah man,” Tray nodded.

“It’s obvious she doesn’t want you to touch her, so keep your hands to yourself in future.”

“Whatever. She wanted it.” Tray barged past Chase, hitting his shoulder, and made his way out of the cafeteria.

“Thanks.” She mumbled, feeling a little embarrassed that he had witnessed that. She opened her eyes, knowing that they had turned back to normal now that her wolf had backed off. Chase scratched the back of his neck.

“No problem. Er, the reason I’m here is to tell you to go to the training room on the second floor, when you’re finished you breakfast.” Wanting to get away from him, she nodded her head.

“Oh, ok sure, I’m finished now so I will head over there.” She walked away from him as quickly as possible and headed for the exits.

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