When suddenly, thunder was heard in the sky and rain started to fall from the sky.

Commander Manoban: Lisa, let's go, it's already raining. He already in the a shed

When Argos turn around, Lisa was still out in the open garden, already wet and was looking up in the sky. He saw how Lisa raises her hand and was moving her fingers like she's trying to catch each raindrop while still looking up, then slowly lowered her head and was staring at the raindrops that was free falling from her hand and then a rare moment happened that Argos will treasure for the rest of his life, and a feeling of hope surface.

He saw the girl that he took in to save, smiling and laughing from each free falling rain. How he saw for the first time Lisa's smiling face, she had a full smile on that showed her dimples on her face and even under her eyes. And he instantly thought that there is still a hope for that girl standing in the open rain to change.

End of flashback

Irene: Hey, do you have trouble stopping? Wait, oh! We know if you weren't just rude, we could have been FRIENDS!! She shouted

Lisa immediately stopped walking. What she heard that came out from Irene's mouth was also the exact words that her Commander asked her to do. Lisa quickly turn around and re-trace her steps back towards Irene with still carrying her stuff in her arms.

Lisa: You said friend, am I right?

Irene was surprised by Lisa's sudden behavior, but she nodded in response.

Lisa: Where can I learn that? Is that an object? Can you show me where can I get that? She asked

Irene: PFFFFFFFFFFTTTTTTTTT!!! She suppresses a laugh

Lisa: Hey answer me!


Lisa: I didn't say anything funny. She seriously said.

Irene: Yes, you did! Gosh! Hahahahaha! Where have you been? Are you from here Hahaha. My God, you don't know what friends mean? Friendship? Don't you have any friends?! Are you even joking?!

Lisa: Your questions are irrelevant to my questions earlier.

Irene: Huh! Okay, answer me first, then I'll answer you next, sound good? She smiled

Lisa: Very well. She took a deep breath. I'm from outside of this country. I'm not from here, I don't know what a friend means and I don't have a friend.

Irene seemed sad to hear that Lisa had no friends. How could that be even possible. She's very mysterious, she thought and she doesn't like it because her curiosity will always prevail.

Irene: What country are you from? Are you somehow home schooled or something?

Lisa: ........

Irene: Hey, answer me!

Lisa: I will not answer your questions. That is not what we talked about.

Irene: Alas, it's hard for you to talk to Lisa. Fine. Hmm, and I'll answer your questions, Yes you can learn to make friends and no, it's not an object, but you can get it when you're nice to someone and talking to them. She smiled

Lisa: Hmmm, nice to someone... Talk to someone. Hmm... I'm already nice to you in this state, and I'm talking to you. Does that mean I have learned it?

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